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U.S. Indoor Air Quality Market

Dallas 8/13/2012 3:23:37 PM

This BCC Research market research report is an update of a report published in 2009.  Since then, continuing media attention focused on the health effects of toxic mold, the outbreak of infectious diseases such as swine flu and the increase in chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma have resulted in a new interest in and closer attention to indoor air quality (IAQ) in homes, commercial buildings, schools and hospitals.

At the same time, the 2008 to 2009 recession and the subsequent overall weakness of the U.S. economy have had a negative impact on the market for IAQ equipment and services.  Over the period covered by this report, however, building owners and operators are expected to purchase growing quantities of IAQ-related equipment and services in the hope of reducing or eliminating these contaminants from their buildings.

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The goal of this study is to provide an understanding of recent trends in the IAQ industry and their impact on various market segments.  Specifically, this report attempts to determine the size of the overall IAQ market and its subcategories, such as IAQ equipment and technologies, IAQ consulting services and environmental services.

The report also defines and outlines the end-use market segments and settings that are expected to absorb most of the IAQ equipment and services.  In addition, it discusses the indoor air contaminants that are of highest concern in these end-use markets, including mold and other biological contaminants, allergens, airborne pollutants and radon.


This study’s author intends to provide insights into three main areas:

  • How large is the overall IAQ market and how much growth can be expected?
  • Which subcategories of the industry will see the most growth, which will see the least and why?
  • Which settings and end-use markets hold the greatest potential for future growth of which types of equipment and services?

In an effort to answer these questions, the author discusses many aspects of the IAQ market.  Along with the equipment, technologies, instrumentation and environmental services market, this report also details the contaminants of highest concern, recent research related to these contaminants, regulations and guidelines concerning these contaminants, and the ventilation or systems needed to remove them from the indoor environment.  The report also discusses the settings and end-use markets of interest, including homes, commercial buildings, schools and hospitals, as well as the reasons why IAQ is of great concern in each setting, contaminants specific to each setting and equipment or methods that might alleviate the specific problems.

For this reason, this study should be of interest to many parties, including manufacturers of IAQ equipment such as air cleaners and purifiers, ventilation systems, heating ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, and replacement filters.  IAQ consultants and testing agencies, mold remediators, asbestos abatement contractors and radon mitigation service providers should also find it useful.  Finally, this report should be of interest to building owners and operators who are concerned about their indoor environments and would like to learn about methods of control and emerging technologies designed to solve specific problems.


This report is confined to covering IAQ issues of concern to residential homes, commercial buildings and light industrial properties, schools and hospitals.  It does not discuss IAQ issues relevant to heavy industry and manufacturing environments, nor does it cover IAQ issues, practices, equipment and regulations concerning confined spaces or aircraft.  It does, however, discuss the equipment and services that are most relevant to private homes, office buildings and retail establishments, schools and healthcare facilities in great detail.  The equipment covered includes air cleaners, HVAC equipment, HVAC replacement filters and IAQ instrumentation.  Environmental services such as consulting and remediation and recovery are also specifically noted.

The report first covers trends and information related to the overall IAQ market.  It then discusses the equipment subcategory of the industry and breaks that down into sections on each type of equipment.  Next, it covers the consulting and testing industry subcategory and then the environmental services industry subcategory.  Under each subcategory, technologies, trends, market value and growth are discussed.  From there, the report covers the end-use markets including residential dwellings, commercial buildings, schools and hospitals.  Each setting is discussed in detail, including specific contaminants, problems and solutions, as well as the types of equipment and services appropriate to each.


The author first reviewed extensive secondary sources on the general topic of IAQ on equipment such as air cleaners, HVAC replacement filters and HVAC systems, as well as IAQ instrumentation on environmental services and on the settings in which these services and products are used.  This information was supplemented with primary research, including extensive first-person interviews with industry experts; consultants; manufacturers of equipment; service providers; government officials; trade and professional associations; and personnel from public health, environmental and regulatory agencies.

Based on information obtained from these sources, the author determined the size of the overall IAQ market through extensive research, including first-person interviews and secondary sources of information.  Through these same avenues, the author broke down the overall market into distinct subcategories and determined the size and growth potential for each category and environmental service.

The author then determined which settings were most in need of IAQ equipment and services, as well as how much of these items each setting might absorb.  The potential market for IAQ products and services for each setting was based on the number of buildings in each category and the number of these establishments potentially affected by IAQ problems.


This report is an updated version of an earlier report prepared by Joy LePree, an experienced freelance writer, editor, researcher and author with extensive experience in the IAQ market through her work for publications such as Industrial Maintenance and Plant Operation, Industrial Safety and Hygiene News, and Industrial Product Bulletin.  Andrew McWilliams, the author of this updated report, is a partner at 43rd Parallel, LLC, a Boston-based international technology and marketing consulting firm.  He is the author of numerous other BCC Research market opportunity studies, including ENV011A The U.S. Market for Clean Technologies, ENV006A Global Markets for Hazardous Waste Remediation Technologies, ENV007B The U.S. Market for Green Building Materials, and CHM020D Catalysts for Energy and Environmental Applications.

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