IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) is based on an integrated open-system architecture format and supports an extensive range of IP-based services over both packet and circuit switched networks through the deployment of wireless and fixed access technologies. It is designed to facilitate the ultimate in one-to-one and many-to-many communication between people and is poised to be the standard for delivering services based on Internet protocol for any type of network.
IMS provides a framework from which to provide the best of both worlds: Legacy "telephony" like control, quality of service, and survivability while maintaining flexibility and richness of application creation and deployment.
This report package is the most comprehensive collection of IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) research that addresses applications, market forecast, business case, technology, evolution, and more.
The report package includes a multi-application assessment for major IMS based applications.
It also provides specific recommendations for network operators, infrastructure providers, and application providers.
This report bundle is a complete package for anyone considering:
This package includes the following reports:
IMS Challenges and Opportunities in Multi-Application Environment
Market Opportunity: Presence in IMS
The SOA-enabled Path to Integrate Legacy and IMS Networks: Market Analysis & Forecasts 2012 - 2016
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) : The Market for Applications & Services 2012-2017
Next Generation Messaging over IMS
IMS Applications: Moving Beyond Voice over LTE (VoLTE)
Market Opportunity: Call Continuity in Voice over LTE (VoLTE)
Market Opportunity: mVoIP + Social + Presence
Free VoIP over Wireless vs. VoLTE
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) Status Report: Emerging from the Trough of Disillusionment
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS): The Commercial Rollout of Applications
Network Monitoring in Transition: Opportunities in the shift to IP/IMS
IP Multi-media Subsystem (IMS): The Market for Components and UE
Understanding IMS
Released On: 9/3/2012
Views: 3168
Released On: 8/31/2012
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Released On: 8/27/2012
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Released On: 8/23/2012
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Released On: 8/23/2012
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Released On: 8/21/2012
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Released On: 8/16/2012
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Released On: 8/16/2012
Views: 2011
Released On: 8/16/2012
Views: 4259
Released On: 8/14/2012
Views: 2143
Released On: 8/14/2012
Views: 1839