Historically, apparel brands looked to retail specialists to distribute their products; however, the boundaries are now blurring, as many brands move across into retailing and retailers become known as fashion brands. In the middle are those brands which have tried to embrace both perspectives from the outset. It appears that retailers dependent on others’ apparel brands are losing ground, so as the retail landscape evolves, the battle to follow the right distribution strategy is intensifying.
Euromonitor International's Apparel Routes To Market: Part One - Global Distribution Overview global briefing offers an insight into to the size and shape of the apparel market, highlights buzz topics, emerging trends as well as pressing industry issues. It identifies the leading companies and brands, offers strategic analysis of key factors influencing the clothing and footwear market - be they changes on the supply side, in channel dynamics, economic/ lifestyle /demographic influences or pricing issues. Forecasts illustrate how the market is set to change and criteria for success.
Product coverage: Clothing, Footwear.
Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.
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