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Harvest Moon Pharmaceuticals: Biosimilars Company Analysis

dallas 7/10/2012 3:00:40 PM

This analysis evaluates the company’s strategy and key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and provides an overview of the company’s biosimilars portfolio, including analysis of key product profiles, examining key drivers and resistors to development, market sizing, specifics of development such as clinical trials (where available) for each key biosimilar molecule in development.

Features and benefits

  • Strategic insight into the key strategies that have shaped the company's progress and/or will define its outlook going forward.
  • Provides an indication of how biosimilars fit into the wider company context, and a history of deals & alliances.


Harvest Moon specializes in the development of complex generics and biosimilars. These products are in-licensed from emerging market copy-biologic developers before they are out-licensed to partners in developed markets, with Harvest Moon’s receiving royalties. Harvest Moon has 30 biosimilar products in various stages of development.

Your key questions answered

  • Gain an in-depth knowledge of biosimilar strategies on a case study basis.
  • Understand how deals and alliances can shape a company’s capabilities in biosimilars

Table of contents


Chapter structure
Strategic insight
Product analysis
Operating performance
Company introduction
Data sourcing
PharmaVitae Explorer database

Harvest Moon biosimilars overview
Harvest Moon biosimilars SWOT analysis

Harvest Moon plans to use simple biologic products to gain market experience
Harvest Moon operates a virtual biotech model
Low-cost products can be sourced from China and Taiwan
Sales agreements facilitate market entry
Phase I trials offered as optional add-on
Products can be launched in emerging markets while waiting for mature market access 

Harvest Moon biosimilar portfolio
INSULIN (human insulin)
Human insulin market size
Key competitors
Insulin glargine and lispro (insulin glargine & insulin lispro)
Insulin glargine and lispro market size
Key competitors
EPO (erythropoietin)
Erythropoietin market size
Key competitors
Filgrastim and pegfilgrastim (filgrastim and pegfilgrastim)
Filgrastim and pegfilgrastim market size
Key competitors
Etanercept (etanercept)
Etanercept market size
Key competitors
Imiglucerase (imiglucerase)
Imiglucerase market size
Key competitors 
Interferon beta-1a and -1b (interferon beta-1a and interferon beta-1b)
Interferon beta market size
Key competitors
Other products 

Deals and alliances
Recent developments

Datamonitor reports
Exchange rates

List Of Tables

Table: Harvest Moon – biosimilar/copy-biologic portfolio
Table: Forecasted human insulin sales in the seven major markets ($m), 2011–16
Table: Biosimilar/copy-biologic human insulin, products currently launched or in development
Table: Forecasted lispro and glargine insulin sales in the seven major markets ($m), 2011–16
Table: Biosimilar/copy-biologic human insulin, insulin glargine, and insulin lispro products currently launched or in development
Table: Forecasted epoetin and darbepoetin sales in the seven major markets ($m), 2011–16
Table: Harvest Moon – pipeline and marketed biosimilar/copy-biologic epoetin drugs
Table: Forecasted filgrastim and pegfilgrastim sales in the seven major markets ($m), 2011–16
Table: Harvest Moon – pipeline and marketed biosimilar/copy-biologic filgrastim and pegfilgrastim drugs
Table: Forecasted Enbrel sales in the seven major markets ($m), 2011–16
Table: Biosimilar/copy-biologic etanercept drugs, 2012
Table: Forecasted interferon beta sales in the seven major markets ($m), 2011–16
Table: Biosimilar/copy-biologic imiglucerase products currently launched or in development
Table: Forecasted interferon beta sales in the seven major markets ($m), 2011–16
Table: Harvest Moon – pipeline and marketed biosimilar/copy-biologic interferon beta drugs
Table: Harvest Moon’s other products/candidates in unknown stages of development
Table: Exchange rates, 2011

List Of Figures

Figure: The PharmaVitae Explorer
Figure: Harvest Moon biosimilars overview
Figure: Harvest Moon SWOT analysis
Figure: Harvest Moon’s partnership and licensee strategy

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