IT market in Russia Development forecasts for 2012-2017 The potential for growth in Russian IT is rising.
Improving economics, room for expansion spur development to 2017
The Russian markets for IT software, hardware and distribution of services are generating interest in both domestic and global provider circles. This vast market contains plenty of room for growth among businesses and consumers, and as the influences of the financial crisis fade, growth projections are strengthening for the IT industry in Russia over the next five years.
IT market in Russia 2012, Development forecasts for 2012-2017 describes the market and its potential for expansion in rich detail, including statistical information on the size and value of each chief market segment, analysis of the effects of prevailing trends and investment tendencies prevalent in the current marketplace. Coverage of contemporary market circumstances also presents descriptions and viewpoints of leading companies serving the needs of businesses and customers in the finance, retail and telecoms sectors of the Russian economy.
In addition to complete information and analysis of current market conditions, this document discusses the potential for market growth in all segments. It evaluates the field of potential IT customers for goods and services and estimates the amounts they plan to invest as they expand and update IT capabilities to meet the demands of modern, globally-oriented commerce. Ample background data on Russia’s macroeconomic environment is presented as a foundation for industry forecasts extending to 2017.
This market study also devotes extensive space to analysis of the competitive landscape. It offers detailed profiles of forty of the largest domestic and foreign companies currently engaged in the Russian IT industry. Companies working within the sub-segments of the market, including hardware, services, outsourcing of services, integrators and software developers and providers of both foreign and domestic origin are contained within a listing of 100 current market leaders. Market conditions are illustrated using case studies of past and current business models, and feedback from major market players is utilised in the formation of analyses and forecasts presented in the document.
Additional topics of interest to readers include: analysis of legal and regulatory changes and upcoming policy developments that stand to influence the conduct of business for both providers and customers, specific growth level figures for the market and its segments and tips on current and upcoming investment opportunities.
This report is an excellent resource for businesses engaged in or interested in the Russian market for software, hardware, IT services, networking equipment and telecommunications operations. Government and financial institutions will also use it as a valuable tool for evaluating market potential, developing business strategy, and comparing the Russian market to others in the CEE region. All concerned parties will benefit from the document when beginning business operations, preparing forecasts and in-house reporting documents and considering potential merger and acquisition activity. Structure of the report is conducive to comparative study of the markets in neighboring countries covered by PMR’s library of reports on IT markets in other CEE countries such as Ukraine, Romania and Poland.
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Table of Contents
IT market in Russia 2012
I. Methodology of the report p. 11
II. Executive summary p. 15
III. Overview of the Russian IT market p. 27
IV. IT hardware market p. 61
V. IT services market p. 101
VI. Software market p. 141
VII. List of graphs p. 173
VIII. List of tables p. 179
IX. About PMR p. 181
X. Contact PMR p. 182
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