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This industry report originates from Passport, our Home Care market research database.
Sample Analysis
Strong volume and value growth rates for home care
In 2011, home care in Guatemala registered healthy growth rates, both in volume and current value terms. In most categories, there is a wide range of brands with economy, standard and premium positioning, which allow consumers to purchase the products that best suit their needs. Increased urbanisation, due to the growth of Guatemala’s cities and disposable incomes, are allowing an expansion of home care’s consumer base.
New product launches bring dynamism to home care landscape
During 2011, there were several new product launches which brought dynamism to the home care landscape. Most new product launches focused on improving products with the use of new technology or ingredients. Such is the case for laundry detergent Mas Color Efecto Renovador from Henkel La Luz which was improved and now cleans and protects coloured fabrics. Similarly, Glade Refresh Air from SC Johnson de Centroamerica SA is a spray/aerosol air freshener that eliminates odours rather than simply masking them.
International brands lead home care
Home care in Guatemala was dominated by international brands from multinational companies like Unilever de Centroamérica, Procter & Gamble Interamericas Guatemala Ltd, SC Johnson de Centroamerica, and Colgate-Palmolive Centroamerica SA at the end of the review period. Most brands from these companies have a long presence in home care with strong distribution chains, and are constantly investing in new product development, marketing campaigns and promotions to increase or maintain their share. Another benefit of these companies is that they have products to cater to all economic segments of the country, with the participation of economy, standard and premium brands.
Independent small grocers remains strong in Guatemala
The majority of home care continued to be distributed through independent small grocers in Guatemala, which can reach even the most remote areas of the country. Through this channel, small pack sizes are preferred, since consumers shop on a daily or weekly basis. There is a trend of growing supermarkets in the country. The two strongest chains demonstrated this growth, with Wal-Mart Centroamérica SA reaching195 retail shops through its brands Wal-Mart (hypermarkets), Paiz (supermarkets), Despensa Familiar (discounters), Maxi Despensa (discounters) and ClubCo (warehouse clubs) in 2011; and Unisuper SA reaching 38 supermarkets. Stores are mostly located in urban centres, but they are expanding to the provinces. However, habits are harder to change, and it will take a big effort for supermarkets to change the provinces’ habits of shopping for groceries in small grocery retailers.
Large growth potential for the forecast period
Home care has a positive outlook for the future, in terms of volume and value growth. Categories such as laundry care and dishwashing are very dynamic and are continuously introducing new product launches with specific benefits that appeal to middle and upper-income consumers, usually living in urban centres. When it comes to habits in the provinces, people still use substitute products, like powder detergents to clean dishes, but these habits are beginning to change as more affordable and smaller unit pack sizes are introduced.
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Table of Contents
Home Care in Guatemala - Industry Overview
Strong volume and value growth rates for home care
New product launches bring dynamism to home care landscape
International brands lead home care
Independent small grocers remains strong in Guatemala
Large growth potential for the forecast period
Table 1 Households 2006-2011
Table 2 Sales of Home Care Household Care by Category: Value 2006-2011
Table 3 Sales of Home Care Household Care by Category: % Value Growth 2006-2011
Table 4 Home Care Company Shares 2007-2011
Table 5 Home Care Brand Shares 2008-2011
Table 6 Penetration of Private Label by Category 2006-2011
Table 7 Sales of Home Care by Distribution Format: % Analysis 2006-2011
Table 8 Sales of Home Care by Category and Distribution Format: % Analysis 2011
Table 9 Forecast Sales of Home Care by Category: Value 2011-2016
Table 10 Forecast Sales of Home Care by Category: % Value Growth 2011-2016
Summary 1 Research Sources
Home Care in Guatemala - Company Profiles
Industria La Popular SA in Home Care (Guatemala)
Summary 3 Industria La Popular SA: Competitive Position 2011
Air Care in Guatemala - Category Analysis
In 2011, air care witnessed value growth of 10% in current terms, and sales of GTQ52 million. Standard spray/aerosol air fresheners is the most used product, due to its longstanding presence and more affordable unit price. In 2011, its current value sales represented 86% share of the category’s value sales.
Air care was led mainly by two companies in Guatemala in 2011: SC Johnson de Centroamerica SA held a current value share of 54% with its leading brand Glade, and Reckitt Benckiser with its brand Air Wick accounted for 36% value share.
Air care is expected to continue to grow over the forecast period, with a CAGR of 6% in constant value terms, to reach sales of GTQ70 million in 2016. This category has great potential growth due to the dynamism that new product launches bring.
Table 11 Sales of Air Care by Category: Value 2006-2011
Table 12 Sales of Air Care by Category: % Value Growth 2006-2011
Table 13 Air Care Company Shares 2007-2011
Table 14 Air Care Brand Shares 2008-2011
Table 15 Forecast Sales of Air Care by Category: Value 2011-2016
Table 16 Forecast Sales of Air Care by Category: % Value Growth 2011-2016
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