Discover the latest market trends and uncover sources of future market growth for the Apparel industry in Hong Kong, China with research from Euromonitor's team of in-country analysts.
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If you're in the Apparel industry in Hong Kong, China, our research will save you time and money while empowering you to make informed, profitable decisions.
The Apparel in Hong Kong, China market research report includes:
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This industry report originates from Passport, our Clothing and Footwear market research database.
Sample Analysis
Influx of mainland shoppers
Inflation increased production and operating costs
Majority of apparel production is now in Mainland China, and 2011 saw high inflation, pushing up the production of apparel products. In addition, Hong Kong retailers faced with high increase in rental cost in 2011. With this, many small shops can no longer afford the high rental costs in shopping centres and are forced to wind-up their businesses. As such, now in many shopping centres, most of the shops are chain stores and international brands.
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