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The Latest Android Phone Hack Is Worse Than You Think

Scottsdale 7/27/2015 9:06:27 PM

It’s important for everyone with an Android phone to pay close attention to the latest malware infection. There is a virus out there that is activated when the recipient simply receives a text message sent by the hackers. The text message often does not even have to be opened or viewed, taking advantage of six serious vulnerabilities in Android operating systems 2.2 and later making it one of the potentially largest flaws ever exploited on the Android platform. The text message can also be deleted by the hackers before the user sees it, so there is no absolute way to know if your phone is infected.

Google has known about the issue since April, and has come up with a fix, but many phone manufacturers have yet to roll out the fix to their customers. The best thing to do for now is to back up all media and be prepared to wipe your phone if you receive a suspicious looking text message.


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