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DSPA-5 Dry Aerosol Sprinkler Technology Offers Unique Way To Reduce Risk To Firefighters While Saving Valuable Property and Retaining Structures

Vancouver 1/5/2016 2:00:00 PM

Via Snoogoo - A novel extinguisher technology is emerging as a valuable tool for firefighters and first responders to approach early stage and hard to reach fires. The DSPA-5 (Dry Sprinkler Portable Aerosol) device is a portable, handheld unit that fire professionals and first responders can store onboard their response vehicles and deploy by simply triggering a firing pin and tossing the canister directly into an enclosed fire space. The DSPA-5 begins immediately dispersing dry aerosol powder that reaches the entire space, even through crevices or in small confined areas. The device knocks down the flames and reduces the fire’s seat temperature dramatically, making the fire safe to approach with conventional fire suppression methods, or in some cases, halting the fire altogether.

The science behind the DSPA technology is a simple, proven application of the known fire chemical reaction. By dispersing a compound into the fire space, DSPA Flameguard’s aerosol breaks the chemical process that allows fire to form and propagate. Without this elemental formation, the flames are halted and the temperature reduced by as much as 700 degrees Fahrenheit without depriving the fire space of oxygen. The DSPA-5 also does not use harmful or environmentally damaging chemicals. It is safe for use around humans and animals, and has zero global warming or ozone depletion potential as certified by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

Firefighters and communities all over North America are discovering the useful DSPA-5 tool and its tremendous cost savings. By halting a fire in the early stages, the DSPA-5 removes the need to use as much as 80% of the water compared to conventional fire suppression. This results in significant savings in clean up costs and can help save the structural integrity of a building that is often most damaged by the weight of the water used to put out the fire. Fire officials also appreciate the fact that early suppression of the fire preserves the scene for insurance and other investigation.

The DSPA-5 Flameguard product is an ISO certified device endorsed by KIWA, CE, Underwriters Laboratories, the US Environmental Protection Agency and the National Fire Protection Association.

To learn more about the DSPA-5, including video footage of firefighting applications, see

About DSPA Flameguard’s DSPA-5

The DSPA-5 is a portable extinguisher tool designed for use by first-on-scene responders to halt a fire’s progress and allow time for fire professionals to safely apply conventional fire fighting procedures. The portable device is easy to use and holds a dry sprinkler aerosol that is safe for use around humans and animals. It does not use harmful or toxic chemicals and can be stored for up to 15 years. The DSPA-5 is certified widely by leading fire prevention agencies and the US EPA. It is available exclusively through DSPA-5.

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DSPA-5 Dry Aerosol Sprinkler Technology Offers Unique Way To Reduce Risk To Firefighters While Saving Valuable Property and Retaining Structures

DSPA-5 is a portable, dry aerosol fire extinguisher that can be easily deployed and halts flames without using water or harmful chemicals. This safe, effective tool is gaining popularity throughout the firefighting community.

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