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5 Women Tell Their Stories of Living with an Alcoholic in Coni Meyer’s Book Crystalline Moments

“There is Hope for the Hopeless”

Las Vegas 1/7/2015 4:04:15 PM

It’s a new year and many people want a new beginning. Addiction is a disease that many people suffer from and because of the illness there are millions of family members that are also suffering. Many people that know someone suffering from addiction do not know how to handle the problem. If we know someone that is suffering from a disease like cancer we don’t desert them in their time of need.  We try to find ways to help them and nurture them until they are well. Unfortunately, the disease of addiction is not treated the same way. Family and friends become frustrated and they leave or they scream and yell for the person to just stop. This disease affects families in a way that no other can. 

In the book, Crystalline Moments, five ladies talk about their journey of helping themselves and what it has been like to live with an alcoholic.  Their journeys have been from 10 to over 20 years.  Some of their husbands have gotten the help they need.  Others are still suffering. They discuss their crystalline moments and the opportunities presented by those moments to live with this disease whether their husbands have gotten help or not. 
In their stories, they talk about how they have held their marriage and families together. Each of them have traveled a little different path but ultimately they find each other and an incredible friendship and comradely have taken them from fear and anger to happiness and understanding. They talk about how they have found happiness for themselves.  These 5 women found each other and have now become best friends. They came to the United States from South Africa to attend a conference and told their story for this book. They talk about new beginnings!

Do you know someone that suffers from a form of addiction? If you do then you know how devastating it is for their families and people that care about them.  These ladies share their story in order to help others that are living in this nightmare.  Whether it is alcohol or another form of addiction this story can help find hope and a path.

You can read the entirety of these 5 Ladies’ story, as well as many other inspiring stories in the book Crystalline Moments by Coni Meyers coming out January 7th

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