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Ann Loper Tells Her Story of Child Abuse To Attempted Suicide Then To Abundance in Coni Meyer’s Book Crystalline Moments

Las Vegas 1/7/2015 4:12:11 PM

Ann Loper is one of those people that just lights up a room when she walks in. She is smart, beautiful, tall and full of personality. No one would ever imagine what was really going on inside of her. She hid her past from others around her including herself.  Her's is a story of what happens when people have areas of their lives from their past that need to be address and they are not. Many people think that once they are out of a situation they can just put it behind them and forget it. Unfortunately, anything that is not addressed with come back and create problems in other areas of our lives. 

Ann, like so many others, had a very difficult childhood. She was a stepchild and it was a life that many people think of when you say the word “stepchild”. When Ann was born it was not acceptable to have a child out of wedlock so her mother married her father but they actually never lived together. Her mother remarried when Ann was just a toddler. Her stepfather was a difficult man with a very quick temper. She became the big sister to two other siblings. All of the connotation that stepchild conjures up is exactly what she experienced with these two younger siblings.  Her stepfather started to physically abuse Ann at a very young age and then later he sexually abused her. This continued until she left home at age 18.

As with many young people that experience abuse, Ann felt shame, humiliation and guilt that goes along with physical and sexual abuse.  This part of her life haunted her for years.  She tried to hide from it and hid it from people around her that she loved.  

Ann married but the first marriage ended in divorce.  However, she ended up with an incredible daughter from the marriage. Her story is about how her life came crashing down one day 20 plus years later when she attempted suicide.

Ann’s story is about how to find oneself and address any issues from the past. Those are all crystalline moments that are opportunities just waiting to be discovered and create the life that is waiting their discovery.    

You can read the entirety of Ann Loper’s story, as well as many other inspiring stories in the book Crystalline Moments by Coni Meyers coming out January 7th

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