The Alliance of Civilizations was formed 1 year ago by Koffi Annan to ease tensions between Western and Muslim societies. The Secretary Generalof the United Nations appointed a group of world leaders called the High-level Group to prepare a report which was released today, November 13, 2006.
The U.N. Report states, “Notwithstanding the critical state of relations between Muslim and Western societies described in the report, the High-level group firmly asserts that there is nothing inevitable or insurmountable in these conditions. Indeed because the causes of current tensions are political – and not religious or cultural – they are also solvable.” The report concludes with a list of recommendations.
Here is the response of Karen Fish of The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion: “To put it mildly, I am stunned. Jesus Christ was the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam. Jesus said to the leaders of his day, ‘Blind guides! You blind fools! Hypocrites! You snakes, you brood of vipers! How can you escape being sentenced to burn alive on the fire altars of Gehenna?!’ (Matt. 23). It is clear that our world leaders today are leading us all into the real live fire of Nuclear World War 3, the Apocalypse, the sudden violent extinction of life on Earth forever.
It boggles the mind that the top minds on Earth have concluded that the problems between the Jews, Muslims and Christians do not have a religious cause. Surely they cannot believe that. They must be so frightened to offend anyone involved in these religions that they have washed these religions’ hands of all blame, even if it leads us all into the Apocalypse.
Here is our letter to the authors of the report:
Only The
Yours truly,
John Fish’
We also recommend that today every Church, every Mosque, and every Synagogue replace their sign with “The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion.” This is the exit strategy of our God of Mount Sinai from the Middle East
Announcing The World Peace Religion Benefit Concert & Tour
Released On: 9/26/2014
Views: 21445
The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is uniting the world religions.
Released On: 8/3/2008
Views: 5176
Nostradamus has been so accurate that it’s freaky. Fortunately there is still a short amount of time to pull back from the brink of extinction. Do it, now!
Released On: 12/3/2007
Views: 5623
Released On: 10/9/2007
Views: 3176
Released On: 10/7/2007
Views: 3030
And no one even noticed.
Released On: 9/13/2007
Views: 2333
Our world religions explicitly forbid world peace and command and reward genocide with great rewards for mass murder in the world to come, but your mainstream media does not trust you to know this.
Released On: 8/26/2007
Views: 3193
Released On: 1/20/2007
Views: 3219
Released On: 1/14/2007
Views: 2676
Released On: 1/5/2007
Views: 6871
Released On: 1/4/2007
Views: 2803