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An Ayatollah Built Auschwitz and America is Next

Los Angeles 1/3/2007 9:10:21 PM

The date today is January 3, 2007. Happy New Year. What was your New Year's Resolution? Did you resolve to put an end to the war in Iraq as more American warships steam towards the Persian Gulf? Did you resolve to put an end to global warming as the Arctic melts into the sea and the mother polar bears are unable to feed their cubs?

There are some things you can control and there are other things which you cannot control. You cannot control whether our sun will burn out today. You cannot control the fact that one day you will die. Despite that we spend great amounts of time worrying that we or our relatives are going to die. If it is a fact that we are going to die then why do we spend so much time worrying that we or the polar bears are going to die? Wouldn't it be better to stop worrying that everyone is going to die and just go on and forget it and enjoy our lives and our Apple iPod Nanos? Of course it would but unfortunately our minds are programmed to worry constantly. We're talking about polar bears eating each other because we melted their habitat. The guilt is unbearable.

The President of the United States has publicly declared a Christian Crusade against 1 billion Muslims, calling them Islamofascists. Adolf Hitler was a fascist. He declared war upon the Jews, homosexuals, retarded people, blacks and all non white blue eyed blonde people. Hitler planned to annihilate every Jew in Europe and the Muslim world. Mohammad Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem was Hitler's ally. The Mufti was one of the architects of the concentration camps, and he helped recruit Muslims for the SS. Mohammad al-Husseini was the Muslim leader of World Jihad who was the mentor of Yasser Arafat, Osama bin-Laden and every other Muslim terrorist today. Hitler and the Mufti were united by their desire to delete the Jewish people from the planet earth. Had Rommel defeated the British in Egypt their next move was concentration camps in Palestine and Iraq.

Today the Muslim fundamentalists are united in their desire to delete every non Muslim from earth because their Koran commands them to do this ("Make War on the Christians, Jews and Infidels", Koran Sura 9:5, 29-30; Sura 56) for great eternal rewards in paradise with Allah, 72 virgins and endless wine with no side effects. Had the United States, Britain and Russia not stopped Hitler and the Ayatollah in 1945 the whole world today would be an Islamofascist Brutal Dictatorship which is exactly what President Bush is trying to prevent. Did anyone notice 911?

How do evil people always seem to grab political and military power? Herman Goering was a German politician and military leader, commander of the Luftwaffe and Hitler's second in command. He was captured in Austria and sentenced to hang at the Nuremberg trials. The night before the hanging he committed suicide by ingesting a cyanide capsule. He asked to be killed with dignity by a firing squad like a soldier but his request was denied. Rather than face the humiliation of hanging he took a cyanide capsule. Since then numerous people have said that they gave him the pill, just like John Mark Karr pretended to have killed Jon Benet Ramsey.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad has rolled out the propaganda machine by hosting a world conference that the Holocaust never happened. Is he O.J. Simpson? Is his number 32 or 666? Has anyone noticed that the puppet masters of Ahmadinejad, the Ayatollahs of Iran have repeatedly called for the obliteration of the United States of America? The Persian Gulf has two thirds of the world's oil. Oil equals cash equals nuclear bombs. Should Shiite Iran, Iraq, Hezbollah or Sunni Syria, Iraq and Al Qaeda get their hands on the Persian Gulf oil Jenna and Barbara Bush will be wearing burkas if they survive the hailstorm of 100 megaton nuclear suicide bombs raining down upon every American city. If the American media is so neocon then why does America have its head buried in the sand?

Mass manipulation of peaceful people into warmongers is a science. Hermann Goering said, "Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country." How do you manipulate hawks into doves? If you figure that out then you are the Messiah. While you are at it try to figure out how to delete songs from the Apple iPod Nano. The iPod has no delete function.

If you search the internet for the way to do this you will come upon forums in which people are acting as though they have been cast into eternal Hellfire calling out to anyone "Help!" People are hysterical and have come up with numerous conspiracy theories such as "Apple deliberately didn't put a delete button on the iPod so that when you reach 2 Gigabytes you have to buy a new one." The other forum members are offering up so much bad advice that they sound like the arm chair generals on Cable Pundit Television, driving everyone right over the edge. How many times is Vice President Cheney going to raise the terror alert to false alarm code orange to prepare America to invade Iran?

Today it was discovered that people suffering from shell shock, or post traumatic stress disorder are more prone to having heart attacks. Apparently the fear triggered the adrenaline and the adrenaline never shuts off and the person's heart is damaged or something. Vicious nuclear armed Muslims are coming to get you and your children and grandchildren. Global warming will soon cause the sea level to rise 50 feet so that your city is permanently under water. Mosquitoes are giving people West Nile virus. Birds will give us a pandemic. Cows have mad cow disease. The deficit is throwing the country into bankruptcy. The iPod anxiety is the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. It is the last straw which will cause us to fight, flee or become frozen stiff. Not to worry, here is the solution for deleting songs from your Apple iPod Nano. It's very simple.

Open up your iTunes program on your computer. Click on your library music. Start with the first song at the top. If you want a song on your iPod then you need to give it a five star rating. Only the 5 star rated songs will come into your iPod and all others will be deleted. Now click on the first song to highlight it. You can double click it to see if you like it. Now on the top left click on file. Then click on my rating. Slide over and give it 5 stars if you want it on and 1 star if you don't.

Now connect the iPod to your computer. The iPod menu comes up automatically. The first tab to come up is Summary. Put a checkmark on "open iTunes when this iPod is connected." Click "apply" in the bottom right. Now on the top click "Music". Put a checkmark on "Synch Music". Put a checkmark on "selected playlists." Put a checkmark on "My top rated." Click on "apply" in the bottom right hand corner. Let the process update your iPod until it says that it is safe to disconnect the iPod from the computer. To disconnect the cable from the iPod press the two little buttons on the side of the thingy. Now go post these instructions into one of the forums and be a hero.

As far as the Apocalypse and global warming and politics and holy war are concerned forget about it, throw your television out the window, eat well, get lots of rest and get plenty of exercise wearing your iPod with only your favorite songs. There is nothing that you can do about the other stuff so don't waste your life worrying about it. Wars have been going on forever and they always will. It's our killer instinct which we needed to survive this long in the jungle and the law of the jungle is "Kill or be killed." Who can delete our killer instinct? Who would want to? It's for self defense from venomous snakes in the jungle and hunting for food. When peaceful diplomacy fails you must fight back or perish. 

The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among Christianity, Islam, Judaism and everyone else as the first step towards world peace.

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