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The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution

Los Angeles 1/11/2007 7:25:17 PM

The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution and the solution for everlasting peace on Earth.

What is needed more than anything else today is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities.

The Muslim, Christian and Jewish people today are like scientists looking at a speck of dust under a high powered microscope. Instead of seeing the speck of dust in its true perspective as a harmless speck of dust they see it as a gigantic monster about to consume them and their grandchildren.

People today think that the situation in the world is hopeless. President Bush is expanding his Christian Crusade into Syria and Iran. Iran is preparing its Muslim Jihad to take over the world and create an Islamic state. The World is hurtling into nuclear world war 3 the Apocalypse. Christians and Muslims are thrilled to see the coming Armageddon because they believe that this will hasten the arrival of the Messiahs Jesus Christ and the Mahdi to conquer the world for them and bring everlasting peace because they read this in their Holy Scriptures.

Ask any nuclear scientist and they will tell you that nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have zero survivors. Insanity is defined as being a danger to yourself or to others and not understanding the nature and consequences of your actions. The belief that nuclear world war three will bring your group the world and everlasting peace on earth is the delusion and insanity which endangers life on Earth today.

The time has come to use your own mind and your own common sense to save yourselves. At The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion on a ten page website we take the Holy Bible verses of Judaism, Christianity and Islam like pieces of a puzzle all mixed up in a box. Then we throw the pieces up into the air and scramble them. Then we rearrange them as God of Mount Sinai said to do through every single Biblical prophet including the Jewish born Messiah of Christianity and Islam Jesus Christ and we add in the light of modern discoveries. What we come up with is the world map of God of Mount Sinai to the survival of life on earth and a far different story than the one being taught by your Christian, Muslim and Jewish teachers. God of Mount Sinai’s map to survival is simple and it works. The road you are all on today leads to disaster. Will it take watching your children being vaporized instantly into black ashes until you understand this?

Are you hypnotized so badly that you do not understand that the earth moves even though your Holy Bible says three times that the earth does not move and it never will? Are you hypnotized so badly that you believe that nuclear world war 3 is the road to everlasting peace on earth?

What is needed more than anything else is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities. The Jewish, Muslim and Christian people all share the same planet earth. They all have the same human DNA. Humans have been on earth for 5 million years and Judaism is only 4 thousand years old, Christianity 2 thousand years old and Islam 1400 years old. Therefore prior to 4,000 years ago Christians, Muslims and Jews all share the same Pagan ancestors and the same Pagan bloodlines. The Christian, Muslim and Jewish people all believe that there is only one God. The Muslim, Christian and Jewish people all believe that this God is the God who handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago today. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim people all believe that the 10 commandments of their God of Mount Sinai are the Divine Constitution of the Universe. If you stop right there then every Christian, Muslim and Jew belongs to the same group, The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion.

The 10 commandments of our God of Mount Sinai are extremely powerful almost to the point of being miraculous, supernatural. Take the sixth commandment “Don’t Murder”. Human beings are composed of earth, water and air. Now let us unite as 10vers in The Temple of Love aka The Temple of 10ve. If we stop murdering then we must stop poisoning to death the pieces we are made of air, water and earth. This will bring an immediate end to pollution, global warming, crime and war.

What about our different beliefs which divide us all and are leading us all against each other into nuclear world war three? God of Mount Sinai showed us all exactly how to set these differences aside through every single Biblical Prophet of Islam, Judaism and Christianity in your Holy Bibles. Go now to The Temple of Love website and see for yourselves and teach the answer in your schools. Put the link for The Temple of Love on every website today. Change the name of your Church, Mosque and Synagogue to The Temple of Love today. All you need to do is to follow one single word of your God of Mount Sinai 10ve to survive. If you do then we will survive and if you do not then we will all soon perish in the coming fires of nuclear world war three and global warming.

What is needed more than anything else is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities. Every Christian, Muslim and Jew believes in God of Mount Sinai. This is one of your countless similarities. You all believe in the same God. Instead of uniting with this common belief, you divide because you all give your God a different name. This is like dividing because you all give gravity a different name in your different languages. Gravity and God exist and pull you in the right direction no matter what you call it, God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Yehovah, Adonai, Hashem, I Am that I Am, the God of your forefathers who led you out of slavery in Egypt and all of these names in every language.

In a nuclear age we cannot afford to be divided. The Muslims have divided into Shiite and Sunni. They all believe what 10vers believe. They are divided because the Shiites follow as their religious leader the descendants of the son in law of the Prophet Muhammad and the Sunnis follow the descendants of the General of the Prophet Muhammad. It is now time to cast this difference aside and follow the word of your God 10ve.

I hereby command in the name of God of Mount Sinai every website and newspaper on earth to publish this article in its entirety. God said to the Prophet Zachariah, “Get out my message. If you do and the people do not listen then I will hold you blameless. If you do not and harm comes to the people then the blood of the innocent men, women and children will be upon your head.” The people of earth want their Messiah to come and change things for the better and yet they refuse to change a thing. Stay the course and perish. Follow the one word of your God 10ve and survive. Is this to plain? You are all 99 per cent the same and just one inch from everlasting world peace today. Walk that final inch now. 10ve   





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