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Revelations is a Plagiarism of the Bellerophon Greek Myth

Los Angeles 12/27/2006 2:26:52 PM

Many people go to visit psychics for $25. The psychic will read your herbal tea leaves out of a tea cup or read Mark Foley’s palm and tell them the future with astonishing accuracy. “Tomorrow you will wake up. You will brush your teeth and then have breakfast. It may include an egg.” People get so blown away by the accuracy of the psychic’s predictions that the psychic then moves in for the kill. The psychic then says to the patient, “I have some bad news for you. Someone has placed a curse upon you. This is what has been causing your depression and your anxiety, not the fact that you are about to get fleeced out of your mind. I really hope you fall for this because I could really use a trip to Rio de Janeiro next week. I hear the coke there is unbelievable. Plus I’ve never been to the Carnival before. This will finally give me a chance to dress up like Lindsay Lohan and put those Samba lessons to use. I am the only person on Earth who can remove the curse from you. But it won’t be cheap. I must take 5 candles to the Church. There 5 Priests must spend 1 entire week praying over these candles. Priests don’t come cheap these days. Then you will be cured. The candles cost $1000 each. Fortunately I do accept American Express.


Since the time of the Greek Empire, Emperors, Kings, Queens, Aces, Prime Ministers and Presidents including President Reagan and his wife Nancy have greatly benefited from the help of Oracles. A famous example from the Holy Bible is Joseph who interpreted the Pharaoh’s dreams for him. In the case of the Iraq War President Bush used as his oracles Vice President Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and General Colin Powell, who took his slide show, lego and train set to the United Nations to show the members the satellite pictures of Iraq’s nuclear weapons on their mobile launchers. Has anyone ever wondered who misinterpreted or doctored these photos? Why doesn’t the American media show General Powell’s presentation at the U.N. over and over again?


Is Barak Obama’s middle name really Hussein? Why is he hiding that minor detail on his website? Can you imagine Karl Rove swift boating that for Rudolph William Louis Giuliani III? America’s mayor won New York because everyone thought that like the Savior he was Jewish. Now he’s going to become President because everyone thinks that the Viet Cong slipped acid into John McCain’s tea. If John McCain was born in Coco Solo Panama and he can run for President then why can’t the Governator? At least the Governator married into the Royal family of the United States, the Camelots. Talk about curses. That family needs 10 candles, two Ouija board and a seance with Ramtha. Shirley MacLaine starred in the 1972 Horror Classic “The Possession of Joel Delaney” directed by Waris Hussein. This was Mark Foley’s favorite film. It seems like Sadaam Hussein will be hung within the month.


Last Friday Dec. 22, 2006 William Chatfield, the director of the U.S. Selective Service said “The Selective Service (military draft) needs to be ready if something totally unforeseen should come upon us.” It’s not that Americans are gullible but the recent ABC News Poll showed that 1 in 5 Americans had paid for at least two candles. President Bush’s Oracles advised him to take one trillion dollars from Social Security and Education and give it to the wealthiest Americans in the form of the infamous tax cut. His friends’ candle money had to come from “somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there’s a land that I heard of, once in a lullaby, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” Everybody, “Somewhere over the rainbow…”. “I see the Iraqi people placing garlands of flowers upon the heads of your soldiers in gratitude for liberating them from Sadaam Hussein”, said Junior’s psychic. Deep throat recently revealed to Bob Woodward that The Decider’s secret Oracle was Frank Morgan. Frank Morgan has more hats than Bo Jackson. “The Red States are going to elect an African American named Hussein”, said John Dean’s psychic.


The United States of America embarked upon their Iraq Folly in March of 2003. Johnny will not come marching home again anytime soon but who knew in 2002? In September of 2002 Junior went to the United Nations and made a speech asking the world to back his military invasion of Iraq. That week Vice President Cheney who can’t even get his own family to toe the party line said that the U.S. had discovered back links between Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden. The real hyperlinks back to the White House came from the bin Laden family to Junior. They financed his oil company. Koffi’s response to Junior Bush in 2002 was “I think if one does it unilaterally, or with one or two countries, we don’t know what happens at the end, the unexpected consequences of this conflict. Would Iraq remain intact? What happens in the region? How do we pick up the pieces? Who does it? All these issues are very critical that one should bear in mind.” 


Why is the outgoing Secretary General of the United Nations so belittled by Rupert Murdoch’s world media Empire and why is Junior so exalted? What did Nancy Reagan slip in Rupert Murdoch’s tea? The Bible Belt is about to  elect a President because they think that he is related to Santa’s lead reindeer Rudolph and they’ve had enough of Bill Clinton’s W.C. Fields’ nose. Plus the Hillary concept goes against their views on religion and sexuality. How can a man be the First Lady? How many people know that the bowling ball hat in the infamous cartoon was code for “Bowling for Columbine?”


In an interview in Newsweek magazine in 2002 former South African President Nelson Mandela repeated his call for Junior not to invade Iraq. He said that Junior was trying to please the American arms and oil industries, whose profits have soared because of the war. Perhaps that is what Junior meant when he declared “Mission Accomplished” in his national guard outfit, the first time he ever wore it. Nelson Mandela reminded us how America had supported the Mujahideen including Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan against the Russians. Nelson said that no evidence had been presented to support the claim that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction and former UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter said that “there is no such evidence”, in 2002. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail in South Africa for peacefully opposing apartheid. Mr. Cheney opposed Nelson’s release from prison.


Who needs evidence when you have oracles and Greek Temples and Greek men openly mating in the open air Temples in Greece with the Priestesses as an act of worship to the Goddess of Love Aphrodite, and prostitutes living and working in King Solomon’s Holy Temple in Jerusalem. In 2002 Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud of Saudi Arabia repeatedly called upon Junior not to invade Iraq. Prince Saud said in Feb. 2002, “Regime change will come with the destruction of Iraq. You are solving one problem and creating five more problems. There has never been in the history of the world a country in which a regime change happened at the bayonets of guns that has led to stability. Our worry now is the new emerging Christian fundamentalism in the United States and in the west. Fundamentalism in our region is on the wane. There, it’s in the ascendancy. That’s the threat.”


Why listen to Koffi, Nelson or Saud? Everyone knows that nuclear world war 3, the Apocalypse will bring Jesus Christ on his flying white horse from Heaven to defeat Satan and usher in everlasting world peace and Jesus Christ will meet Junior in Jerusalem at the Holy Temple because that is what the ancient Psychic John said in the book of the Revelations of the Psychic John . What most people do not know is that the New Testament was written by Greek bloggers and the flying horse Jesus fairy tale is a plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon on his flying white horse Pegasus defeating the Chimera, a creature with a snake’s tail, a goat’s body, and a lion’s head, coincidentally the exact description of the Beast, Satan in the book of Revelations. The flying horse story evolved into the fairy tale of Santa Claus. The U.S. Congress voted unanimously to ignore the greatest minds in the world and be guided by the story of Santa Claus.


The scary part of the Horror Movie we are all trapped in is that these same people, these self proclaimed White House Crusaders, are still in charge and they are in possession of a vast arsenal of weapons of mass destruction. Jesus upon his return is going to command all of his angel crusaders to throw every last non Christian man, woman and child into the fire because they are all devils. (Matt. 13:36-43). Junior told the BBC that Jesus ordered him to invade Iraq. Is it any wonder that Iran is running to build nuclear bombs? The scary part is that the commander in chief of the greatest military arsenal in history believes to the core of his soul that only by pushing the button and dropping the big one can world peace be achieved, because he read it in a plagiarized children’s book on the morning of 911.

At The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion 

we deal in fact, not plagiarised fiction. We don't make you false promises. We only show you your own God's practical and common sense plan for saving life on earth yourselves. 



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