Lost in the fog of alzheimers rage dementia, John McCain has inadvetently made the point that not only is Barack Obama ready to lead America to a brighter future, but the world has already embraced Barack Obama as the long awaited for, truly loved and admired leader of the free world. One would have thought that Barack Obama would have been airing his rapturous welcome in
John McCain is questioning Barack Obama’s ability to lead? George Bush and John McCain are the ones who led the
John McCain wishes that he had the sex lives of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and this is why he raises the question of offshore drilling. John McCain has come full circle from the Hanoi Hilton to the Paris Hilton. Does anyone really believe that spending five years in the Hanoi Hilton does not leave permanent emotional scars in the mind of the victim? Haven’t we learned the lessons of entrusting the country for 8 years to an alcoholic pathological liar? John McCain is so busy nuclear threatening and alienating the 1.3 billion Islamofascists, the billions of Russian and Chinese Commies, the Teen Choice Awards, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton that he makes Brig. Gen. Jack D. Ripper look like Mother Teresa.
The media have this perverse attraction to sex, blood, gore and violence and completely ignore incredible strides that have been made recently towards world peace. For 5 million years the common grandparents of every human being were Pagans. 4,000 years ago, Judaism was invented by Abraham, who forbid ham and cheese sandwiches. 2,000 years ago the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam invented Christianity, reinstating the right to eat ham and cheese sandwiches. 1,400 years ago, the Prophet Muhammad invented Islam, once again banning the right to eat ham and cheese sandwiches. John McCain developed such a craving for ham and cheese sandwiches in the Hanoi Hilton that he is now threatening to nuke into oblivion anyone who even suggests that he cannot eat ham and cheese.
If we now follow John McCain into nuclear world war 3 against Islamofascist
Last year the
Saudi King Abdullah’s interfaith conference in
Jordanian King Abdullah and Jordanian Prince Ghazi founded “A Common Word Between You and Us, Love.” Now Muslim moderates worldwide have taken the baton, led by Saudi King Abdullah, who at the interfaith conference in
Instead of the media and universities covering and teaching The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion, and A Common Word Between You and Us, Love, and the interfaith reconciliation movements of Pope Benedict XVI and Jordanian and Saudi King Abdullah, our media and universities are remaining silent on these life on earth saving initiatives. Last December, Al Gore told Time Magazine, “When I was in the Snow and Ice Data Center, receiving a full briefing on the polar ice caps, afterwards I would turn on my T.V. and there were two networks with the bulletin: Britney Spears loses custody of her children. We’re living in a madhouse if our priorities focus on the embalming of Anna Nicole Smith, or the trial of OJ Simpson, while we ignore the greatest crisis this nation has ever faced.
Al Qaeda is now calling for the assassination of Saudi King Abdullah for holding the Madrid Interfaith Conference and bringing the religions together. Jordanian and Saudi King Abdullah, Pope Benedict XVI, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi of
Before you make your choice who to follow, you should know this. The Christian Bible was written a hundred years after Jesus died by Greek authors. In the book of Revelations, Jesus Christ flies down from heaven on a flying horse and defeats the snake, goat, lion Beast, Devil. In the Greek Myth, written a thousand years ealier, Prince Bellerophon flies on his flying horse Pegasus and defeats the snake, goat, lion Chimera. You are gambling the fate of life on earth on a plagiarized fairy tale, like the one about it being a bad thing for the President of the
Announcing The World Peace Religion Benefit Concert & Tour
Released On: 9/26/2014
Views: 21457
The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is uniting the world religions.
Released On: 8/3/2008
Views: 5187
Nostradamus has been so accurate that it’s freaky. Fortunately there is still a short amount of time to pull back from the brink of extinction. Do it, now!
Released On: 12/3/2007
Views: 5633
Released On: 10/9/2007
Views: 3185
Released On: 10/7/2007
Views: 3042
And no one even noticed.
Released On: 9/13/2007
Views: 2342
Our world religions explicitly forbid world peace and command and reward genocide with great rewards for mass murder in the world to come, but your mainstream media does not trust you to know this.
Released On: 8/26/2007
Views: 3203
Released On: 1/20/2007
Views: 3232
Released On: 1/14/2007
Views: 2686
Released On: 1/5/2007
Views: 6882
Released On: 1/4/2007
Views: 2810