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Nostradamus third anti christ MABUS George Bush and Masbah Yazdi

Los Angeles 12/3/2007 2:13:42 AM

Behold and ye shall see Satan’s Master Plan to destroy life on earth forever as decoded from the already astonishingly accurate prophecies of Dr. Michel de Nostradame aka Nostradamus. You are about to discover the identity of Dr. Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ, the Third and final Anti Christ who is now poised to destroy every man, woman and child on earth right now unless we stop the Devil in his tracks immediately.


The Devil today has control of the minds of the people of earth and that is why we are like Santa’s elves merrily going about the business of creating our own real live global warming and nuclear inferno real live Hell on Earth. The Devil is very cunning. All Adam and Eve had to do to retain paradise on earth forever was to follow one simple command of God of Mount Sinai (aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim), not to eat the fruit of the knowledge tree, but the snake, Satan, got Eve to convince Adam that it would be O.K. to eat this fruit. Cunning means skillful in lying, deceiving, slyness and craftiness. Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ’s plan for our imminent destruction is extremely cunning. Satan did not gain control of our planet by being an idiot. If we are to survive we all must take back control of earth from Satan now.


Nostradamus lived in the 1500’s. He lived during the Inquisition and was forced to write his prophecies in code. Prophecy often comes in code and is open to different interpretations. The codes for Nostradamus’ three Anti Christs did not need Jack Bauer to decode them. How do we recognize Satan? George Bush has said on numerous occasions, “You are either with me or against me.” God of Mount Sinai carved the same thing in stone on two stone tablets Himself on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago.


God said, “Obey my 10 commandments and I will bless you for thousands of generations. Break my 10 commandments and I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren. For I Am a jealous God.” That is the deal, the Covenant, the Contract, entered into by Moses, Jesus Christ, and the Prophet Muhammad on behalf of 15 million Jews on earth today, 2 billion Christians and 1.3 billion Muslims.


You can tell the Devil because his rulebook is to break every one of these commandments in order to destroy us all, to create His burning, famine stricken Hell of people screaming in real live Hell right on earth, and we are a hair trigger away right now from finishing building it for Him. The Devil today is laughing his head off at us all and he can already taste his ultimate victory. Fortunately we now know the identity of Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ and we can choose not to follow him to our destruction. The great deception is that the Anti Christ Himself believes that he is a man of God, and his people believe that too.


Nostradamus’ first Anti Christ was code named Napaulon Roy, aka Napoleon, the French Emperor who lost his army in Russia. Nostradamus’ second Anti Christ was code named Hister, aka Hitler, the German Emperor who lost his army in Russia. The code name of Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ is MABUS.


Here is the ingenious master plan of the Devil to destroy all life on earth forever using us to do it for him. Satan Himself has possessed two mighty leaders on earth today and set them against each other in order to bring about nuclear world war III, the aftermath of which nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have no survivors. This is the ultimate reality T.V. show, “No Survivors Hell”.


Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ, the prince of lies is code named “MABUS”. Here is Mabus number 1:  “maBUS”. Turn the m upside down. W BUS. This is American President george W BUSh. Here is Mabus number 2: The fanatically hardline puppet master and daily advisor of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose goal is to conquer the world for Islam, Ayatollah “MESBAH” (pronounced Maybuh) Yazdi. Today, Sunday Dec. 2, 2007, the United States and Iran, with its allies Russia and China who helped tiny North Vietnam defeat the United States are about to go to nuclear world war fighting over two thirds of the world’s oil, black gold. Gold is the Devil’s Cow. This conflict is certain to escalate into Nuclear World War III, the Apocalypse, Armageddon. The question is how do we pull back from the brink of extinction? In 1964, Barry McGuire recorded the song, “Eve of Destruction”. The updated music video which applies to our present situation is here:


WE/COME Back. Here is Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ prophecy: MABUS will soon die, then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals, At once one will see vengeance, One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.” (Century 2, Quatrain 62). “The Anti-Christ very soon annihilates the three, twenty-seven years his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled; with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.” (Century 8, Quatrain 77).


The horrible undoing of people and animals refers to the extinction of life on earth forever. The vengeance is the American over reaction to 9/11. One hundred powers refers to close to the number of countries on earth today. World wide thirst and famine, death by starvation will result from nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer. The comet just hit Peru, leaving a small sulfurous pond boiling with noxious chemicals and making the villagers sick. Nuclear World War 3’s ultraviolet summer will cause the melting of Antarctica, the Arctic and Greenland which will cause the earth’s one ocean to rise permanently 100 feet and the survivors of nuclear world war 3 will drown in a radioactive soup. The Anti Christ Satan annihilates the three children of God of Mount Sinai who cannot settle their differences, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Within 27 years all life on earth will be gone forever. The unbelievers are the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people and everyone else because how can a Christian believe in Islam or Judaism, how can a Muslim believe in Christianity or Judaism, and how can a Jew believe in Christianity or Islam? According to each religion, all people outside of their religion are unbelievers. All of us, “the unbelievers” are dead, with blood, human bodies, water and blood red hail covering the earth.


The Devil is very cunning. He has George Bush in the West with an enormous arsenal believing that the Apocalypse will be a wondrous occasion in which Jesus Christ the Messiah will come to save and conquer the world for Christianity. Satan has Iran’s Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi in the East believing that the Apocalypse will be a wondrous occasion in which the Muslim Messiahs Jesus Christ and the Mahdi will come to save and conquer the world for Islam. Satan has the Jews believing that the Messiah will come and save and conquer the world for Israel and the Jewish people. The Christian, Muslim and Jewish people are now about to begin the Apocalypse gleefully, anticipating that the result will be paradise on earth and in heaven for them. They all believe that a permanently uninhabitable radioactive earth will be a paradise on earth for them. Insanity is when you cannot appreciate the nature and consequences of your actions. How did Satan drive the people of earth totally insane?


Your God of Mount Sinai’s answer and our way out of Satan’s web can be found on the 10 page website of The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion. The Temple makes peace among and unites Christianity, Islam, Judaism and everyone else and the countries they all live in by tying them together with their common threads and resolving all their differences once and for all.


Since its founding 2 ½ years ago The Temple has already spawned the official website of moderate Islam, “A Common Word between you and us, Love” By tying us together with our common threads the Muslim Scholars led by Jordan’s King Abdullah II have gone a long way to uniting the leaders of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Read the letter and the Christian, Jewish and media responses to see how they brought Pope Benedict XVI, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the head of the world wide Anglican Church, the chief Rabbi of Israel Yonah Metzger and a top Iranian Ayatollah together for lunch in Naples recently, embracing each other in peace and love. King Abdullah II was also responsible for bringing  together Israel, the moderate Sunni Arab countries, and the Christian United States at the Middle East peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland, recently.


The problem now is that even though “A Common Word, Love”, tied the leaders of moderate Islam, Christianity and Judaism together with their common threads with spectacular and miraculous results in the two months since the release of their letter, they did not go far enough, they did not resolve the differences between and unite the religions as one as The Temple has done, for fear of offending the religions. The question is, how can people be offended by the word and the plan of their own God of Mount Sinai, as revealed in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran to every Biblical Prophet of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the plan to save the world now, and wrest control of earth from Satan and give it to your God of Mount Sinai, now?


Satan hates your guts and wants you all to die an agonizing death and God of Mount Sinai loves you all and wants to bless you all. Once you see the simple and wondrous plan of your own God of Mount Sinai to bring everlasting peace to earth forever, begin to take down the signs on every Church, Mosque, and Synagogue, and replace them with the sign, “The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion”. The job of the Messiah is to purify Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Be Messiahs, not slaves of Satan. Purified Judaism is purified Christianity is purified Islam is The Temple of Love. In 1943, who would have believed that today Germany, the United States, Israel and Japan would be sitting united in Annapolis, Maryland? We can do this. Now, go to your God of Mount Sinai’s Temple of Love, and read your God’s plan for you all to save the world yourselves, and follow it to paradise on earth forever. 


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