This week while
Kim Jong-il: “Roh you may not be aware but I am somewhat of an expert when it comes to the internet and relationships. I am happy to open the internet at our joint venture industrial complex in
According to the Associated Press: “
At the six nation summit, Pan Yue, of
“From the Taoist view of the Tao reflecting nature, to the Confucian idea of humans and nature becoming one, to the Buddhist belief that all living things are equal, Chinese Religion has helped our culture to survive for thousands of years. Chinese Religion can be a powerful weapon in preventing an environmental crisis and building a peaceful harmonious society.”
While the American Government is moving towards invading
World War II is also called “The War Against the Jews”, (for murdering Jesus Christ). In 1939
Furthermore, the Church Fathers burned the Christian Gnostic (knowledge) Gospels at
The Christian and Muslim people today are eagerly awaiting the Apocalypse because they both believe the New Testament book of Revelations which says that during the Apocalypse Prince Jesus Christ will fly down from Heaven and kill the Beast, Satan, The Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub, the snake, goat, lion and conquer the world for them. Jesus is also the Muslim Messiah, along with the Mahdi. What the Christian and Muslim people do not know is that the New Testament was written in Greek by Greek authors and the Jesus flying horse story is a dead on plagiarism of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon on his flying horse Pegasus conquering the snake, goat, lion Chimera.
Now we have a choice. We can follow Christianity, Islam and Judaism right into Nuclear World War III, The Apocalypse, or we can follow the plan for world peace of God of Mount Sinai (see the Temple of Love website for the chapters and verses) as told to every Biblical Prophet in the Old Testament, New Testament and Koran and purify Judaism, Christianity and Islam down to our belief that there is a God, that God is God of Mount Sinai, aka Jesus Christ, God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Yehovah, and God’s word carved in stone, the 10 commandments, including, “Don’t Murder”. Are you now going to murder everyone outside of your group because they have a different language for God of Mount Sinai? If you do, the nuclear clouds from your own nuclear bombs will be blown by the wind of the tiny ball we all call home and radioactive rain will eliminate you and your children. The way to achieve everlasting world peace is today at the United Nations 200 people agree to stop fighting permanently. It’s that simple. Otherwise, you can wait for an ancient Greek cartoon character to rescue you and your children from burning alive.
Mr. Jong-il, did you here the one about the burning bush?
Announcing The World Peace Religion Benefit Concert & Tour
Released On: 9/26/2014
Views: 21457
The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is uniting the world religions.
Released On: 8/3/2008
Views: 5187
Nostradamus has been so accurate that it’s freaky. Fortunately there is still a short amount of time to pull back from the brink of extinction. Do it, now!
Released On: 12/3/2007
Views: 5633
Released On: 10/9/2007
Views: 3186
Released On: 10/7/2007
Views: 3043
And no one even noticed.
Released On: 9/13/2007
Views: 2343
Our world religions explicitly forbid world peace and command and reward genocide with great rewards for mass murder in the world to come, but your mainstream media does not trust you to know this.
Released On: 8/26/2007
Views: 3203
Released On: 1/20/2007
Views: 3232
Released On: 1/14/2007
Views: 2686
Released On: 1/5/2007
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Released On: 1/4/2007
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