The 85 year old black hatted black coated long white bearded Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam shouted out from the cross, “The truth shall set you free!” The occupying rooster hatted Roman Soldier shouted back, “I’d like to thank the brave men and women of the Roman Empire Armed Forces and their families for the immense sacrifices they have made. God Bless
It’s getting so that you can’t even start a new war in the
It’s getting so that being the President of the
The elder George Bush sits on the board of the House of Saud. His Chairman is Saudi King Abdullah. The Saudi Bin Laden family financed the oil company of George W. Bush. President Bush joked last week that he was looking forward to his retirement making speeches as if we didn’t know that Saudi King Abdullah has already paid the Bushes billions of Euros into Swiss bank accounts in the name Decider Jr. Investments Ltd. A guy is entitled to make a living and support his daughters. King Abdullah is paying both George Bushes to conquer all of the
The reason that the
George Bush has virtually handed
Today Tony Snow, another George Bush puppet auditoned for Saturday Night Live. Tony Snow said, “Victory is defined as helping the Iraqis develop the capbility of defending themselves and governing themselves.” Pontius Pilate said the same thing to the Emperor Tiberius but he had a problem with his timing and delivery so he didn’t make it. Ambassador Ryan Crocker also auditioned for Saturday Night Live. He said, “I see encouraging signs on the diplomatic level. The Saudis are preparing to reopen their embassy in
On a lighter note, Ramadan and Rosh Hashanah began tonight. The Muslim people will be fasting from dawn till dusk for a month, and eating and smoking from water pipes all night for a month, like the Jewish coeds at
Announcing The World Peace Religion Benefit Concert & Tour
Released On: 9/26/2014
Views: 21457
The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is uniting the world religions.
Released On: 8/3/2008
Views: 5187
Nostradamus has been so accurate that it’s freaky. Fortunately there is still a short amount of time to pull back from the brink of extinction. Do it, now!
Released On: 12/3/2007
Views: 5633
Released On: 10/9/2007
Views: 3186
Released On: 10/7/2007
Views: 3042
And no one even noticed.
Released On: 9/13/2007
Views: 2343
Our world religions explicitly forbid world peace and command and reward genocide with great rewards for mass murder in the world to come, but your mainstream media does not trust you to know this.
Released On: 8/26/2007
Views: 3203
Released On: 1/20/2007
Views: 3232
Released On: 1/14/2007
Views: 2686
Released On: 1/5/2007
Views: 6882
Released On: 1/4/2007
Views: 2810