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U.S. Military Draft Announced in Simple Code Today by President Bush

Los Angeles 12/20/2006 10:45:59 AM

To anyone capable of speaking the English language President George W. Bush today announced a Military Draft for The United States of America. President Bush said today, Tuesday December 19, 2006, in the Oval Office, "It is an accurate reflection that this ideological war (Christianity versus Islam; Democracy versus Dictatorship) we're in is going to last for a while and that we're going to need a military that's capable of being able to sustain our efforts and to help us achieve peace. I'm inclined to believe that we do need to increase our troops — the Army, the Marines. And I talked about this to Secretary Gates and he is going to spend some time talking to the folks in the building, come back with a recommendation to me about how to proceed forward on this idea." President Bush said that his decision to increase the size of the armed forces was in response not just to the war in Iraq, but to the broader struggle against Islamic extremists around the globe.


Here is the simple meaning in context of the words spoken today by President Bush. Three years ago President Bush announced that he was launching a “Crusade”. This is why Muslims refer to Americans as “Crusaders”. The Crusades were a thousand years ago when the Pope marched his Christian army across Europe massacring every Jew in their way to reclaim the Holy Land, Israel, for Christianity, until the Crusaders stood knee deep in Muslim blood in Jerusalem. So far President Bush has conquered Muslim Afghanistan and Muslim Iraq and now he is threatening Muslim Syria and Muslim Iran.


Last week President Bush’s National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley said that the United States could not allow the Muslims to use oil as a weapon against the United States. The Persian Gulf contains two thirds of the world’s oil supply. Iraq’s desert is a thin covering over an enormously vast Ocean of oil. It costs $1 per barrel to remove this oil from the ground. This oil can be sold for $75 a barrel. Oil equals Cash equals 100 Megaton Nuclear Missiles, Chemical and Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction. The nuclear bombs used at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only 50 Kiloton bombs. Think computer kilobytes versus megabytes.


The “ideological” war referred to by President Bush today is the battle over who will control the Persian Gulf Ocean of Oil. The Muslims are divided into two camps, Shiite and Sunni. The Sunni Muslims in Iraq are Iraqi, Syrian, Saudi Arabian and Al Qaeda. The Shiite Muslims in Iraq are Iraqi, Iranian and Hezbollah. Both Shiite Iran and Sunni Al Qaeda have vowed to wipe both Israel and the United States of America off the face of the map forever and to conquer the world for Islam. The Koran says, “Make war on the Christians and Jews and Infidels, and you will be rewarded for your heroism with eternal paradise, crystal clear lakes and streams, 72 virgins and endless wine with no side effects.” (Koran Sura 9:5, 29-30; Sura 56).


The United States learned on 9/11 that you cannot always wait for the enemy to throw the first punch. Sometimes you have to use pre-emptive action. President Bush feels that the United States must now conquer the Middle East before the Sunnis or Shiites grab the Middle East and make good on their threats to wipe the United States off the face of the Earth and conquer the world for Islam. President Bush believes that if he does not conquer the Middle East now then the Muslims will wipe every Christian off the face of the earth forever with their weapons of mass destruction. The Muslim winner of the Middle East will also be able to choke off the American economy by refusing to sell oil to the U.S. and selling it to China instead. Every Christian is now waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. In the Holy Christian Bible Jesus Christ says, “I have not come to bring you peace but the sword.” Jesus Christ says that upon his return he would command his Christian angels to throw every single non Christian man, woman and child into the fire and kill them all because they all were devils. (Matthew 13:36-43).


So the fight now, the battle of Armageddon, Nuclear World War 3, over the Middle East oil is about to begin. We are animals, we live in the jungle, and the law of the jungle is “Kill or be killed.” Last week one of the top American Generals told Congress that the United States military was now at the breaking point. It is clear that America cannot conquer the Middle East oil, and keep it out of Shiite or Sunni control without a vastly larger military. The only way to achieve this is by instituting a military draft. Defense Secretary Rumsfeld was so unpopular that he could not have announced a draft. This is why President Bush replaced him with Robert Gates yesterday.


Here is the problem. Even with a larger military, The United States cannot conquer the Middle East without using weapons of mass destruction. Russia is building the Iranian nuclear reactor in Bushehr Iran and just delivered to Iran 1 billion dollars worth of surface to air missiles to protect the Iranian nuclear reactor. Russia wants the Middle East oil too but they hate the Muslims in Afghanistan and Chechnya too. Every nuclear scientist knows that Nuclear World War 3, our present heading will have no survivors. This is why President Bush feels compelled to keep nuclear weapons out of the hands of Iran, which has now offered their nuclear technology to all the other Muslim states and terrorist organizations.


The Jewish, Christian and Muslim people all follow the Old Testament. In Psalm 2 the Messiah of all 3 religions is to come and smash all non believers into a million pieces and conquer the world for their religion. Last week the United Nations High Level Group of the Alliance of Civilizations reported that the problem today between Christianity, Islam and Judaism does not have a religious cause. Is there a way out of this mess?


Well, The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion makes peace among and unites Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Everyone else and the Countries they all live in as the first step towards world peace. Search “unites Christianity Islam Judaism”. There are one thousand results and they are all from The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion. The only way to pre-empt the extinction of life on Earth forever in Nuclear World War 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter and then ultraviolet summer is by making peace, for the people of Earth to all unite as one now. We have become too technologically advanced for Nuclear World War 3. War no longer works and only peace does. In case we forgot to mention, President Bush announced a military draft today. He’s fighting a Crusade, he says.    


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