On Monday August 21, 2006 Jake Shears, the lead singer of the band Scissors Sisters interviewed Sir Elton John at Elton’s home in the south of
Jake Shears: ...”I look around this summer and the past couple of years and it seems to me that world politics have really changed the gay movement. We're on the verge of world war and there are such horrible things happening with religious clashes.”
Elton John: “I think religion has always tried to turn hatred towards gay people. Religion promotes the hatred and spite against gays…in [former Soviet Bloc] countries such as Poland, Latvia and Russia there is a huge anti-gay movement and a lot of it is started by the church…I cannot stand any kind of racism or religious hatred; there's so much negativity with people. They used to put gay people in a cupboard but now they're doing it to [certain] religious people. What we should be doing as musicians is trying to bring people together… We can't keep thinking of gay people as being ostracised; we can't keep thinking of Muslim people as being [ostracised] because of the fundamentalism that occurs in Islam. Muslim people have to do something about speaking up about it…From my point of view I would ban religion completely, even though there are some wonderful things about it. I love the idea of the teachings of Jesus Christ and the beautiful stories about it, which I loved in Sunday school and I collected all the little stickers and put them in my book. But the reality is that organised religion doesn't seem to work. It turns people into hateful lemmings and it's not really compassionate…The world is near escalating to World War Three and where are the leaders of each religion? Why aren't they having a conclave; why aren't they coming together? I said this after 9/11 and people thought I was nuts: instead of more violence why isn't there a [meeting of religious leaders]. It's all got to be dialogue - that's the only way. Get everybody from each religion together and say 'Listen, this can't go on. Why do we have all this hatred?'…We are all God's people; we have to get along and the [religious leaders] have to lead the way. If they don't do it, who else is going to do it? They're not going to do it and it's left to musicians or to someone else to deal with it. It's like the peace movement in the Sixties - musicians got through [to people] by getting out there and doing peace concerts but we don't seem to do them any more. We seem to be doing fundraisers for
Karen Fish of The Temple of Love, The World Peace Religion said today, Saturday November 25, 2006: “Bravo! We applaud Elton John on his wise and brave remarks. The
Announcing The World Peace Religion Benefit Concert & Tour
Released On: 9/26/2014
Views: 21457
The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is uniting the world religions.
Released On: 8/3/2008
Views: 5187
Nostradamus has been so accurate that it’s freaky. Fortunately there is still a short amount of time to pull back from the brink of extinction. Do it, now!
Released On: 12/3/2007
Views: 5633
Released On: 10/9/2007
Views: 3186
Released On: 10/7/2007
Views: 3043
And no one even noticed.
Released On: 9/13/2007
Views: 2343
Our world religions explicitly forbid world peace and command and reward genocide with great rewards for mass murder in the world to come, but your mainstream media does not trust you to know this.
Released On: 8/26/2007
Views: 3204
Released On: 1/20/2007
Views: 3232
Released On: 1/14/2007
Views: 2686
Released On: 1/5/2007
Views: 6882
Released On: 1/4/2007
Views: 2811