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Net Neutrality Life on Earth Depends Upon It says World Peace Religion

Los Angeles 12/8/2006 12:13:59 PM

Do you feel lost and confused and frightened by the war in Iraq? Do you feel like you have not been told the truth about the war in Iraq? Would you like to know what is really going on behind the scenes with the war in Iraq? Do you recall the United States spending two years obsessing over President Clinton lying that he did not have sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky?


Today President Bush said, “The U.S. needs a new approach in the Iraq war.” The new approach does not include President Bush telling the American people the truth. President Bush got the United States to invade Iraq by telling the American people and the people of Earth that Saddam Hussein had nuclear bombs and biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction which he was about to rain down upon the United States. This was an outright lie. Then President Bush told the world that the goal of America was to spread democracy to Iraq. This is an outright lie. The United States has just smashed the democracies in Palestine and Lebanon. President Bush told the people that the American soldiers would be greeted as liberators and handed flowers by the Iraqi people. President Bush stood on an aircraft carrier and declared, “Mission Accomplished”. The war in Iraq could easily be called “The Adventures of Pinocchio.”


650,000 dead Iraqis and 3,000 dead Americans and 20,000 Americans with arms and legs blown off later the question could easily be asked, “How is this lying maniac still in office?” As the television pundits analyze the Iraq war and the Baker Hamilton report to death one is brought to tears by the sheer gibberish and political double talk being thrown endlessly at us and ask “How could this be happening in Iraq? How could the United States be choking on a trillion dollar deficit after President Clinton had the U.S. in a surplus?” How could President Bush possibly get away with criticizing the Democrats as “cut and runners”?


The reason is because the White House has absolute control over the mainstream media. The Baker Hamilton report announced that two trillion dollars will now be required from the American taxpayers to re arm the American military because of its foray into Iraq. This is two thousand billion dollars.  


Who is profiting from the war in Iraq? Who are the warmongers? One of the largest of the handful of defense (offense) contractors is the Bush family’s Carlysle Group. Another is the Cheney family’s Halliburton Corporation. Another is General Electric. General Electric owns NBC. The President’s press secretary is Fox News. If the United States Government is about to award General Electric billions of dollars in defense contracts how likely is it that NBC is going to criticize the White House? This is why you don’t hear David Gregory of NBC saying to President Bush at the White House press conferences, “George, why don’t you admit to the Iraqi people that you went there to steal their oil and to conquer the world for Christianity? Are you aware that Russia is building nuclear reactors for Iran and just delivered a billion dollars in surface to air missiles to Iran to protect their nuclear reactor in Bushehr Iran? Has anyone told you that nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have no survivors on Earth? Are you aware that the only workable strategy for life on Earth to continue is World Peace? Have you ever heard of loving your enemies, love your neighbor and turn the other cheek? How is your alcoholism? Are you insane? Have you ever been assessed?”


AT&T has now applied to merge with Bell. The other two American internet service providers are Verizon and Comcast. Net neutrality means that person “A” can say things like this to person “B” through independent news sites and the blogosphere. Independent means that journalists on these sites can say whatever they like because they aren’t afraid of offending the Government in power for fear that the Government will take away their defense (offense) contracts. NBC and Fox have tons of money and can afford the new non neutral internet scheme to pay high fees to AT&T Bell, Verizon and Comcast so that people can see their web content and see it quickly. On the other hand the bloggers and independent news sites have altruistic motives and no money and cannot afford to pay the telecommunications giants. Therefore the telecommunication giants are going to block the independent news sites and bloggers off of the internet. Do you want the present neutral internet or the new biased internet? The new non neutral biased internet legislation which has already passed in the Republican House of Representatives will mean the end of free speech in the United States. When you are a warmonger and war no longer works because humans have become too technologically advanced for war, free speech and truth are bad for business.


World Peace right now is our only workable exit strategy from the impending Apocalypse. Unfortunately the Christians and Muslims believe that only by triggering the Apocalypse can the Messiah Jesus Christ and the Mahdi come to bring us world peace. Our political and religious leaders, our blind guides believe that having nuclear world war 3 is the way to world peace and they are now banning anyone in America from saying that they are wrong. If ever there was a time to stand up for a world peace religion and free speech and net neutrality in America that time would be today while you still can.




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