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Jesus Plan in the Bible Is That We All Burn Our Bibles Now

Aug 9, 2006 8/10/2006 2:20:37 AM

Jesus Plan in the Bible Is That We All Burn Our Bibles Now


There is a type of humor commonly known as a morbid sense of humor. 1.5 Billion Chinese people commonly laugh when a person slips and falls. In America we call it slapstick humor when a person steps on a rake coming out of a bunker and the rake snaps up and knocks his teeth out. Sex and comedy and violence sell. This is why the story of the human race, “Earthlings” is the hottest show in the Universe. The rest of the Universe is laughing their heads off at our saga which is about to come to an end. The writing is on the wall.


God of Mount Sinai aka God the Father, Allah and Elohim told King David that the world is full of mockers and scoffers. (Psalm 1). Sometimes things happen that are so horrible that you either have to laugh or cry. If you think about what happened rationally it can terrorize you and catapult you into a world of paralyzing phobias and so you make a joke of it as a psychological self defense mechanism. The Christians, Muslims and Jews are presently embroiled in a world war against each other leading to Armageddon because they all consider the people outside of their group to be non believers even though they all believe in God of Mount Sinai. We are soon going to go extinct arguing over the real name of God of Mount Sinai.


Human beings need only the flimsiest reasons imaginable to split into groups and kill each other because beneath the self righteous exterior in every human being there lies a murderous savage. Americans are bombarded daily with news of American soldiers being killed in the crossfire of a civil war in Iraq between the Shiites and the Sunnis. One would think that these two groups were as different as night and day. In fact they are all Earthlings composed of air water and earth who are neighbors sharing two thirds of the world’s oil who all believe in Islam, The Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), Allah aka God of Mount Sinai, the Koran, the Hadith, annual pilgrimages to Mecca, praying 5 times a day, Persian prayer rugs to practice their putting on (this is why Muslims are better at putting from west to east and east to west depending upon the grain), and that all non Muslims should be wiped off the face of the Earth forever by them to gain entrance into eternal paradise with Allah, 72 Virgins, and endless wine with no side effects, if they massacre all of the non Muslims. (Koran Sura 9:29-30, Sura 56.) The Christians also get eternal paradise with God the Father for throwing all of the non Christians into the fire at God of Mount Sinai’s command. (Matt. 13:36-43). The Old Testament of Judaism which is also the Holy Scripture of Christianity and Islam has too many commandments of God of Mount Sinai to pillage entire nations and cities to number.


The Shiites and the Sunnis all have everything physically in common and 99.999999999999999999999999999999% the same beliefs, number 9, number 9, number 9. So, what is it that divides the Shiites from the Sunnis? Well, the difference between the Shiites and the Sunnis is that the Shiites follow as their religious leaders the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad’s son in law, and the Sunnis follow as their religious leaders the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad’s lieutenant general. Read that sentence 5 times. The American people have now sacrificed 3,000 of their children to settle this dispute between the Shiites and the Sunnis. 15,000 American limbs have been blown off. Humans never had to worry about which group, the Shiites or the Sunnis was right for 5 million years until Islam was invented 1,400 years ago. God of Mount Sinai told King David that 1000 human years were but 1 day to God. This means that Islam is but a day and a half old, a recent cult, as are Christianity, 2 days old and Judaism 4 days old. According to your religious leaders, (who Jesus called blind guides leading you all against each other into the fire), Adam wore a Kaafiyah in the Garden of Eden and Eve wore a Burka. It is the thought of having to wear a burka that has Ann Coulter suggesting on Hardball that America nuke Iran back to the stone age so that not only can the Muslims not build nuclear bombs but that they can’t even build transistor radios. Humans did fine without cars and oil for 5 million years until a hundred years ago and now they are fighting a world war over the oil for their cars, when burning this oil is causing the polar ice caps to melt which will soon cause the Earth’s one ocean (look at a globe) to rise 50 feet and cover most of the Earth’s land. Human beings are super intelligent and super idiotic at the same time. Humans are super kind and super evil at the same time. This is why we can love and hate the same person so intensely at the same time. We are all so sane and so insane at the same time. We are also so skeptical and so naïve at the same time. A trillion Dr. Freuds couldn’t help us.  


According to God of Mount Sinai through every Biblical Prophet of Islam, Christianity and Judaism the Holy Bibles were 99% written by human beings and signed “God of Mount Sinai”, Allah, Jesus, Elohim etc. Who are these people who wrote your Holy Bibles and signed them “God” according to your God endlessly in your Bible? Well, for a thousand years in the Middle East from 1300 BC until 300 BC the Jewish and non Jewish people burned their first born children alive on fire altars in a valley outside of Jerusalem to their God. The valley was called the valley of Gehinnom. Our ancestors who performed this Satanic ritual for a thousand years wrote out our Holy Bibles which command us to massacre everyone outside of our group for great eternal rewards.  


Shanda Harris had an 11 year old son named Irvin. Irvin was an absolute angel. Shanda Harris recently met a 52 year old man named Melvin Jones. Melvin Jones was a twice convicted sex offender. Mel told Shanda that he had only engaged in consensual touching with young boys, like the King of Pop, and had never served any jail time. Shanda, a heroin addict, showed mercy and forgiveness and kindness to Melvin Jones and she trusted him to baby sit her children. The next thing she knew her son Irvin Harris, 11, showed up on a golf course in a sand trap near his home in Baltimore dead.


Irvin Harris, 11, has gone to Heaven. Irvin Harris will be spared the coming fires of the Apocalypse which the Christians and Muslims and Jews are now building because according to their Bibles it will herald the advent of the Messiah Jesus Christ to Jerusalem, who the Christians and Muslims both believe is coming to bring World Peace, because they read it in their Bibles.


According to the Bibles, God of Mount Sinai has three children, the Christians, Muslims and Jews. God wants each of his children to kill his other two children so that God can send his Messiah to bring World Peace. According to these books the way to achieve world peace is to commit the genocide of the billions of men, women and children outside of your group. Our Bibles reward our blood lust and let us get on with the business of killing people. We are all Melvin Jones’ about to commit global Jonestown, loving the pain and the pleasure of it all. This is why we came to Earth; to experience the feelings of extreme pleasure and extreme pain. Mistress Coulter for President!


The Earth is a lunatic asylum for the criminally insane. Life on Earth is a tragic comedy about to come to an end, so cherish every last minute of it. Go golfing at Bethpage Black (Mark 11:1 K.J.V.) in New York before the sand traps become black with radioactive soot from thousands of Muslim 100 Megaton Nuclear Suicide bombs which they will soon purchase with oil dollars from Russia, China and North Korea. It only took the US and Russia 61 years each from 1945 until today to go from having zero to 25,000 nuclear bombs each. Every nuclear scientist knows that Nuclear World War 3 will have zero survivors. This is why Jesus said that when he returned he would command all of his angels to throw all of their Bibles into the fire, except for the 2 tablets carved in stone by God of Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago. (Matt. 13:24-30). Like that will ever happen.   


For the full story with Biblical Citations including setting the record straight about the Passion of the Christ, please visit  The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion   





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