The world today is embroiled in a world war between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. People are focusing on every new development, hoping and praying to God for Divine Intervention to end the conflict. People are missing the big picture and they are not seeing the roots of the problem. If you have a weed it does no good to take your lawnmower and cut off the top of the weed. You need to get down on your hands and knees with your two dollar weeder and pull out the roots of the weed otherwise it will just continue to return and return. The charge that the Jewish people in Jerusalem murdered Jesus 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem is a poisonous weed that must be weeded out right now before it is allowed to lead us all into extinction in Nuclear World War 3.
So far the false belief that the Jewish people murdered Jesus Christ has caused the Crusades, a 300 year Inquisition in Europe, the pogroms and World War 2, aka "The War Against the Jews" for murdering Jesus Christ which caused the loss of 6 million Jews and 14 million Christians. The whole world is against the Jewish people and the land of Israel. This is apparent from the voting at the United Nations. The Christian countries are against the Jewish people because they have been taught that Jews are Christ killing devils as the New Testament says, and the Muslims are against the Jews because the Koran promises them eternal paradise with 72 virgins, crystal clear springs and endless wine with no side effects if they "Make War on the Christians and Jews." (Koran Sura 9:29-30; Sura 56). The problem is that Earth is a tiny circular ball with one circular sky. Israel has a large nuclear arsenal. The nuclear bombs today are millions of times more powerful than the ones in 1945. Instead of 2 nuclear bombs on Earth like in 1945 there are now 50,000.
When, not if tiny Israel is attacked and is about to go down it will fire off a nuclear barrage at the Muslim world and take it down with her. The wind in the tiny Earth's one circular sky will blow the radioactive mushroom clouds right over Europe and Russia and Africa. The Russians are presently selling weapons to Iran and Syria and They are giving them to Hezbollah and other Muslim groups and countries. Once Russia and China and Europe see the black purple radioactive rain begin to fall on their people, they will become very angry and in revenge they will enter the nuclear war and life on Earth will be wiped out forever. Any nuclear scientist will tell you that nuclear world war 3 and its consequences nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will render all life on Earth extinct forever.
America and Russia both knew this during the cold war and this is why they never went to nuclear war against each other. They called it MAD, mutually assured destruction. America will never allow Shiite Iran to have nuclear weapons because the Muslim people can't wait to die in suicide bomb attacks to get to eternal paradise with God of Mount Sinai aka Allah. The Christian Americans are looking forward to the Apocalypse because they believe that the Apocalypse will herald in the advent of the Messiah Jesus Christ who will bring a new world and world peace for a thousand years. The New Testament is also Muslim Holy Scripture and Jesus Christ is also the Muslim Messiah, along with the Mahdi.
The Prophet Isaiah said that when the Messiah came he would resolve the differences between the people of Earth which would lead to world peace. (Isaiah 2:1-5). Only The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion does this, including setting the record straight about the passion of the Christ in 10 simple easy to follow pages on the internet free of charge for all to see, with Biblical citations. For the Christian people to still believe that the Jews murdered Jesus one would think that the Earth had no lawyers. It is a simple matter of applying the facts of the case to the law at the time and then judging the case for yourself.
When a scientist has a theory he publishes it in world wide scientific journals and asks the other scientists to attack the theory to see if it holds up. The solution to the Jesus case on The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion website has been read by scholars around the world for 1 ½ years and there hasn't been one word of objection. The solution is so obvious, so glaringly simple. To listen to the T.V. preachers one would think that there is unanimous agreement that every word in the Holy Bible came directly from God of Mount Sinai aka God the Father aka Jesus, Allah, Elohim etc.
One must take the Old Testament, the New Testament, Bible scholarship and scientific fact to solve the case. On Mount Sinai God proclaimed 613 commandments. The Biblical Prophets including Jesus Christ screamed endlessly right in your Holy Bible that only 10 commandments came from God and the other 603 were forgeries written hundreds of years after Moses died and signed "God" by the Bible writing Priests and Prophets. Every Biblical prophet said that when the Messiah came he would wash away, erase, delete, abolish these 603 man and woman made commandments. The problem was that to do so broke 2 huge laws in the Old Testament which were both punishable by death. Jesus Christ did this to save your lives. Everyone knows that Jesus told everyone that the word of God "an eye for an eye" was wrong and that people should turn the other cheek. This was just the tip of the iceberg in which Jesus in the Bible abolished all 613 of God's laws. To do this was to commit capital offenses proclaimed by God of Mount Sinai in the Holy Bible. On top of this The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion also shows that the Roman people were also not guilty of murdering Jesus.
We must all now root out the obvious falsehood that the Jews murdered Jesus Christ before this poisonous weed rises up once again as it always does and leads to the destruction of Israel and then all life on Earth forever. It is in everyone's best interest. Jesus Christ was guilty of capital offenses punishable by death in your Holy Bible but he was right, and he laid out the plan for the survival of the human race right in your Holy Bible. Click on The Temple of Love – The World Peace Religion website now and have a look at it. Your plans lead to extinction. Jesus' plan leads to your survival. Begin to use your own minds and your own experiences and your own knowledge and your own common sense now to save yourselves before it's too late. God of Mount Sinai is the truth and the life and the way but you need to know what your God of Mount Sinai said, at The Temple of Love. Your God's plan is simple and it works. It was endorsed by Moses, Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad right in your Holy Bibles. Go see, and teach it to your children and their children. Their lives depend upon it, as does yours. Jesus said, "You strain at gnats but you swallow camels whole." The world today is obsessed with the murder of the angel JonBenet Ramsey when setting the record straight once and for all about the murder of Jesus Christ will defuse the leading contender to trigger Armageddon. Are there any lawyers on Earth? This is The Appeal.
Announcing The World Peace Religion Benefit Concert & Tour
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The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is uniting the world religions.
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Nostradamus has been so accurate that it’s freaky. Fortunately there is still a short amount of time to pull back from the brink of extinction. Do it, now!
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And no one even noticed.
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Our world religions explicitly forbid world peace and command and reward genocide with great rewards for mass murder in the world to come, but your mainstream media does not trust you to know this.
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