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HOUSE OF FLESH MANNEQUINS Starring Domiziano Arcangeli Is Released on DVD

Dawna Lee Heising Covers DVD SIgning Event for

Burbank 3/7/2012 3:49:38 AM


Dawna Lee Heising and John Cox covered the “House of Flesh Mannequins” DVD signing event at Dark Delicacies in Burbank, California on February 25, 2012 for  To celebrate the release of the award-winning film worldwide on February 21, the world famous horror bookstore hosted the event to allow fans to meet the stars of the film and purchase signed copies of the DVD.  To see an interview with Gregory Blair and Roxy Shih at the event, please visit:

Stars Domiziano Arcangeli (who also produced) and Irina A Hoffman were joined by cast members Jared Berg, Randal Malone, Dave Vescio, Tommy Kijas, Patrizia Milano, Khiara Thomas and sword swallower Murrgyn the Mystic. "House of Flesh Mannequins" is a homage to the 1960 cult classic, ” Peeping Tom,” and the film acknowledges the great European genre directors of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s. Cinefiles will easily recognize the acknowledgements to Fulci, Argento and R.W. Fassbinder, as well as the surrealism of Cronemberg and Lynch and the outrageousness of Steve McQueen.

With director Domiziano Christapharo’s willingness to push the envelope, “House of Flesh Mannequins“ uses real Italian porn and fetish stars in non-simulated graphic scenes. The film features stars of the notorious “Theatre of Blood,” a diverse group of European performers who make a show out of extreme S & M activities, and also includes bonus features of the troop. Arcangeli and costar Giovanni Lombardo Radice’s have won best actor and best supporting actor acting awards, and the film has also won multiple awards at prestigious festivals on two continents.  According to director Christapharo, “Everything is real, but it’s a movie, so nothing is real.”  For more information, please visit:

Dark Delicacies has become an iconic vendor and is legendary as a purveyor of all things horror. They have been featured on the Sy Fy Channel's SciFi Buzz, and have been written up several news articles. The New Times issue on the "the Best of Los Angeles" named Dark Delicacies "Best Horror/Fantasy Book Store.


The Founder and President of the premier horror film review site is Seth Metoyer, who is also the Producer and Co-owner of Dismal Productions with Bill Oberst Jr. contributors include:  Shannon Hilson - Co-founder, Vice President and Senior Writer; Jason Lees - Senior Writer; Colleen Wanglund - Contributing Writer; Chris Wright - Contributing Writer; Marcey Papandrea - Contributing Writer; Jesse Miller - Contributing Writer; Michael Sieber - Contributing Writer; Jamie Zaccaria - Contributing Writer; Shelly Martinez – Event Correspondent/Hostess; and Dawna Lee Heising - Hollywood Correspondent.  Renah Wolzinger created the video titles and music and Michelle Wolzinger is the public relations intern.

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