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Dawna Lee Heising Is Miss SortFLIX International 2013-2014

Steve Mehraban Is the Founder and Developer of the Online Movie Discovery Engine SortFLIX at

Washington 9/3/2013 2:18:17 AM

Steve Mehraban, the CEO of SortFLIX, has announced that Dawna Lee Heising will represent the online movie discovery engine as Miss SortFLIX International 2013-2014.  Heising will promote the SortFLIX movie site at for the next year.  SortFLIX is an online movie theater that instantly streams movies from many movie sources. SortFLIX has also come full circle in the entertainment industry and has built direct relations with studios, producers, directors, actors, writers, publicity agents, journalists, magazines, festivals and distributors  The business professional users can add their own brand by clicking "Advertise Brands" to get a "Display Ad". This enables  visitors to view any of the users' Publicity Profile ( Facebook posts and their other content from any website ) all in one place under it's categories with more features and freedom.  SortFLIX Movie LOUNGE, Filmmakers LOUNGE, Actors LOUNGE and many of it's genre based groups are just a few examples of why it's self promotional entertainment platform growing faster than any other online business in the world.  See Heising's acting demo reel at:

Now all the same titles from any vending machine and independent producers are also available @ ("Always A Copy Waiting For You" + "No Late Fees").  SortFLIX is an online movie theater with many links to instantly stream movies  and television shows from many safe and reliable movie sources.  Visitors can split their browser window for multitasking while watching their favorite movies at the same time. The Multisearch tool enables users to gather content without re-typing the search term into multiple search engines or movie sources. SortFLIX also offers targeted shopping to buy movies, movie posters, movie snacks, movie accessories, books and more.

Heising is a member of SAG-AFTRA, and will play The Oracle in Danica Fontaine's "Ethyrea" fantasy and adventure series of films.  She will also play The Snake Woman in Mark Savage's "Circus of Dread", and will play Donna in Andre Roberson and Sergio Candido's "Visions Evilutions" and Michelle in ìPast Dueî, which will be directed by Robert Conrad.  She is the executive producer and host of the television show "Eye on Entertainment", and won a 2014 EOTM (Entrepreneurs on the Move) Award for the nationally broadcast television show.  She is also the Hollywood Correspondent for MoreHorror in Hollywood. Heising has a B.S. in Business Management and MBA from Pepperdine University, and is the CEO of Eye on Excellence Productions and Eye on Excellence PR. She is also the Vice President of Marketing for the online point of sale software company SpotSync at

Steve Mehraban has startup and entrepreneurial experience across a wide range of industries. He has twenty-five years of experience in application development processes, including: database design, user interface, web front-end, e-commerce, entertainment, web services, with knowledge of multiple programming languages.  Mehraban built and launched the online movie discovery engine SortFLIX, which is a bootstrapped, lean startup that searches, aggregates and curates movies, blogs and social media movie communities from sources around the world. He manages the blog and team activities in social forums, including Twitter, Facebook and other relevant social networks to increase loyal visitors.  Mehraban graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from  SUNY College of Technology at Utica Rome, NY.  He has been awarded the "Best of the Rest" award from Computer Gaming World Magazine and the "Exceptional Employee Award" from DynCorp.

About Eye on Entertainment 
"Eye on Entertainment," a division of Eye on Excellence Productions, is broadcast weekly on Time Warner Cable, Cox Communications, Comcast and Verizon across the nation.  The EOE team covers entertainment events, film festivals, red carpets, award shows and filmmakers, with special emphasis on the Indie film industry.  Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG-AFTRA, has a B.S. and MBA from Pepperdine University and was Ms. World 2008.  The EOE team includes producers John Cox, Renah Wolzinger and Jerry Moore on the East Coast, director and cinematographer John Cox, editors John Cox and Renah Wolzinger, graphic designer Mark Schrimmer, guest host Stan Goodrich and composer Richard Myles.  Please visit: and

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