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Diane Chambers of Asylum Films’ Blockbuster “Sharknado”, Directed by Anthony C. Ferrante, Guests on EOE

Chambers Plays Agnes in Feature Film “Sharknado” that Has Exploded on the Internet and Become a Major Success for Ferrante and Asylum Films

Hollywood 7/19/2013 5:42:50 AM

Dawna Lee Heising interviewed actress Diane Chambers of the blockbuster hit “Sharknado” from Asylum Films for the television show Eye on Entertainment on July 17, 2014 at Polymedia Studios in Orange, CA.  Sharknado, which was a blockbuster hit on the SyFy Channel, was directed by Anthony C. Ferrante.  Chambers plays the character of Agnes in the film, and “Sharknado” is the third film in which she has been prominently featured for Asylum Films of Burbank, California.  John Cox shot and edited the segment of Eye on Entertainment featuring Chambers. To see the Eye on Entertainment segment, please visit:

Chambers was born in Venezuela, raised in Coalinga and attended local schools there from Kindergarten through West Hills College. She is the daughter of Earl and Frances Chambers, now both deceased. Upon graduating from West Hills College, where she won an award for Best Supporting Actress, Chambers went on to Cal State University, Fresno, where she obtained her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre Arts.  Upon graduating on the Dean's List, she moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in acting.  Chambers earned her SAG card in 1975 and went on to win an Outstanding Achievement in Acting by Drama-Logue, where she enjoyed the company of Edward James Olmos and other notable actors.  The award was for her performance in "The Balcony" at The Company of Angels, a professional repertoire theatre company. Chambers has worked with Sylvester Stallone, Angie Dickenson and William Shatner to name a few. Due to health concerns, her career was placed on hold in 1979.  However, eight years ago, she was once again able to follow her heart and pursue her dream of acting as a full-pursuit.  She has been in over 70 plays and musicals, numerous films and even co-starred with Jack Hanna in a national television commercial.  For more information regarding Diane Chambers, please log on to the website (the International Movie Data Base) where her on-screen performances are credited.

Chambers has also performed standup comedy at such places as "The Comedy Store" and "The Eavesdropper," both famous venues in Hollywood.  At 62, she has remained single, has chosen not to have children and says she is now enjoying the best time of her life!  She may be seen on the often-repeated television show, "1000 Ways to Die.” Due to popular demand, "Sharknado" will be repeated next week. 

About Eye on Entertainment 

"Eye on Entertainment," a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is broadcast weekly on Time Warner Cable, Cox Communications, Comcast and Verizon across the nation.  The EOE team covers entertainment events, film festivals, red carpets, award shows and filmmakers, with special emphasis on the Indie film industry.  Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG-AFTRA, has a B.S. and MBA from Pepperdine University and was Ms. World 2008.  The EOE team includes producers John Cox, Renah Wolzinger and Jerry Moore on the East Coast, director & cinematographer John Cox, editors Renah Wolzinger, Jeremy Yorba and Thomas Pierce, graphic designer Mark Schrimmer, guest host Stan Goodrich and composer Richard Myles.  Please visit: and

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