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Jared Masters Nominated for Best Director by 2013 EOTM Awards Committee for “SLINK”

“SLINK” Also Nominated for Best Scream at the Inaugural Awards Gala to Be Held at the Nokia Theatre on August 4, 2013

Hollywood 3/15/2013 4:59:14 AM

Director Jared Masters has been announced as the recipient of a nomination for Best Director of an Indie Horror Film for his feature film “SLINK”, which he also wrote, by the EOTM Awards committee.  SLINK has also been nominated for Best Scream.  The inaugural EOTM Awards gala will be held at the beautiful Nokia Theatre on Sunday, August 4, 2013. 

Masters is an American movie director, screenwriter, actor, producer, and recording artist. His interest in filmmaking began at age 14 when he directed and edited skateboarding videos, ultimately selling the VHS tapes to fellow students for five dollars. At 15, he began teaching himself piano, and later produced several pop and acid jazz albums under pseudonym J. Riddles.  In 2007 he joined the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) and moved to New York, where he landed a few minor roles in feature films and television, and directed several documentaries and short subjects, including “Meet the Freaks at Dreamland Coney Island” (2010) and “The Umbrella” (2010). In 2010 Masters moved to Venice Beach and made his first full-length feature “Climb It, Tarzan!” (2011), one of the rare films to feature an all-female cast. It was immediately followed with “Hollywood A GoGo” (2012) and “8 Reels of Sewage” (2012). Some of Masters' trademarks: retro themes, female empowerment, fetishism, burlesque as an art form, exploitation, voyeurism, society's underbelly, carnival and circus themes, and homages to B movies of the 1960s. “Hollywood A GoGo” and “8 Reels of Sewage” are available at For more information on Masters, please visit: or email

SLINK synopsis from Frolic Pictures:

After the unexplained death of their Uncle Arlo, Kayla Nunez and her sister venture to his home in the rural town of Wickenhaven. They plan to claim their share of his estate, but their trip takes a drastic turn after discovering that their uncle's house is occupied by a mysterious relative, Aunt May, who may be harboring deadly secrets.  Complicating matters is the deranged, lust-filled tanning salon owner, Dale, and his exotic wife, Joan, whose business in designer handbags is the backbone to the entire town's economy, and possibly the darkest fashion controversy the world will ever know. SLINK stars: Julia Faye West, Dawna Lee Heising, Art Roberts, and Danika Galindo, with Jade Bryce, Paul Tirado, Anthony Del Negro, Cosondra Sjostrom, David Saucedo, Jael Lloyd, Jacqueline Larsen, Geo Sargent, and Marylyn Brooks. SLINK was shot by director of photography Tim McCombe, with production design by Adam Trash.  See this chilling new horror film on Video On Demand June 1st, 2013.

The EOTM Awards

The EOTM Awards are presented by the EOTM Radio & TV Network to celebrate entrepreneurial achievements and performances in business, philanthropy and the arts, as well as a special award to key individuals and organizations that promote human rights and social justice.  The EOTM Awards will be held on Sunday August 4, 2013 at the Nokia Theatre.  For more information on the Awards, visit:

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