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Filmmaker Jared Lee Masters Wins 2013 EOTM Award for Best Horror Film for "Slink"

Dawna Lee Heising of "Eye on Entertainment" Plays Purse Designer Joan in "Slink" and Wins 2013 EOTM Award for Outstanding Talk Show Host

Hollywood 8/20/2013 1:35:38 AM

The first annual EOTM (Entrepreneurs on the Move) Awards were held at the prestigious Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood, CA on August 4, 2013. Filmmaker Jared Lee Masters won the 2013 EOTM Award for Best Scream for the horror film Slink, which is available on Video On Demand and on  Slink received favorable critical reviews and features Heising as Joan, the purse designer.  Masters began making films at age 14 when he directed and edited skateboarding videos.  In 2007 he joined the Screen Actors Guild and moved to New York, where he landed a few minor roles in feature films and television, and directed several documentaries and short subjects, including Meet the Freaks at Dreamland Coney Island (2010) and The Umbrella (2010). In 2010 Masters moved to Venice Beach and made his first full-length feature, Climb It, Tarzan! (2011), one of the rare films to feature an all-female cast. It was immediately followed with 8 Reels of Sewage (2012). Some of Masters' trademarks: retro themes, female empowerment, fetishism, burlesque as an art form, exploitation, voyeurism, society's underbelly, carnival and circus themes, and homages to B movies of the 1960s. 

The Slink plot is:
Uncle Arlo, Kayla Nunez and her sister venture to his home in the rural town of Wickenhaven. They plan to claim their share of his estate, but their trip takes a drastic turn after discovering that their uncle's house is occupied by a mysterious relative, Aunt May, who may be harboring deadly secrets.  Complicating matters is the deranged, lust-filled tanning salon owner, Dale, and his exotic wife, Joan, whose business in designer handbags is the backbone to the entire town's economy, and possibly the darkest fashion controversy the world will ever know.  Uncle Arlo, Kayla Nunez and her sister venture to his home in the rural town of Wickenhaven. They plan to claim their share of his estate, but their trip takes a drastic turn after discovering that their uncle's house is occupied by a mysterious relative, Aunt May, who may be harboring deadly secrets. 'SLINK' stars: Julia Faye West, Dawna Lee Heising, Art Roberts, and Danika Galindo, with Jade Bryce, Paul Tirado, Anthony Del Negro, Cosondra Sjostrom, David Saucedo, Jael Lloyd, Jacqueline Larsen, Geo Sargent, and Marylyn Brooks.  'SLINK' was shot by Tim McCombe, with production design by Adam Trash.  Please check out the official SLINK trailer at: 

Other winners of 2013 EOTM Awards include:  Dawna Lee Heising won Outstanding Talk Show Host; Marla Gibbs took home the EOTM for “The Perfect Family” and “A Perfect Ending” star; Barbara Niven and “Breaking Dawn’s” Booboo Stewart took home indie and motion picture acting honors. Vincent Ward won for his role on “The Walking Dead,” and Kate Linder for Best Actress in a Daytime Soap (Young & the Restless). Actor Sean Blakemore also won for Best Actor in a Daytime Soap (General Hospital) and the multifaceted entrepreneur Christine Devine won for Best TV Anchor (Fox Television – KTTV Fox 11 News LA). Macklemore and Ryan Lewis took home two honors, “Best Song and Outstanding Video” for their hit, Same Love; Vanessa Graddick won in the category for “Best Comedian.” Kurt Kelly won for “Best Voice-Over.” Reatha Grey won for “Outstanding Reality Star /Variety.” These were just some of the EOTM Awards presented. The EOTM Award is an accolade presented by the EOTM Radio & TV Network celebrating entrepreneurial achievements and performances in business, philanthropy and the arts (recordings, television, radio, literature, film, directing and writing). The show was hosted by Farrah Abraham and Matt Martin.

Carla Barnes, aka Carla B., is the Founder and Executive Director of the EOTM Awards. Ms. B is also the CEO of EOTM Media Group which encompasses EOTM Radio & Media, EOTM TV and EOTM Public Relations. Ms. B. founded EOTM Media Group in February 2006, and by 2010 Carla B. had produced and successfully syndicated over 1000 shows. In January 2011, Carla launched EOTM TV which focuses on creating and distributing first class, studio quality entertainment content and intellectual property across multiple platforms. She is the host of "E! Buzz,” a celebrity talk show that airs on LA 36 in Los Angeles, as well as online. She has also been featured in the web series "Alien’s Wife," the indie film "Hollywood Preacher," and the EOTM TV production, "The Oscar Goes To."

The EOTM Board includes Chairman Carla B, Vice President Monea Williams, Richard Greenwood, Vice Chairman and Chief Creative Officer Rahn Anthoni, Teangelo Bell, Donna Summer, Angela P. Moore-Thorpe, Committee Chair Betrice Coleman-Sweet, Jasmine Simpson, Latasha Cook, Dominick Liriano and Paulette Beattie.

About Eye on Entertainment
"Eye on Entertainment," a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is broadcast weekly on Time Warner Cable, Cox Communications, Comcast and Verizon across the nation. The EOE team covers entertainment events, film festivals, red carpets, award shows and filmmakers, with special emphasis on the Indie film industry. Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG-AFTRA, has a B.S. and MBA from Pepperdine University and was Ms. World 2008. Heising won a 2013 EOTM Award for Best Television Host for EOE shows with Micaal Stevens and Mark Savage. The EOE team includes producers John Cox, Renah Wolzinger and Jerry Moore on the East Coast, director, cinematographer and editor John Cox, editor Renah Wolzinger, graphic designer Mark Schrimmer, guest host Stan Goodrich and composer Richard Myles. Please visit: and

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