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New Independent Visual Effects Franchise to Greenlight 105 Million Dollar Film Next Month

Ethyrea Films Announces Funding Commitments; Accolades to New Vice-President

Hollywood 5/10/2013 4:50:03 AM

Ethyrea Films announced today it had successfully concluded the final negotiations necessary and that it has secured a 93 million dollar financial commitment for the first installment in the new independent franchise that it has been systematically developing for over two years now. Since Ethyrea Films’ President recruited Executive Producer, Edward Jarzobski of Panthera Film to its roster, Ethyrea Films has been able to realize to full-fruition the monumental and extremely complex multi-media namesake project to its inevitable conclusion: a fully financed franchise start. “Edward is the grease on the wheels of what is now a well-oiled machine. I don’t know what we would have done without him. His genuine love for his work and passion for the growth of the Independent Filmmaker’s capacity in mainstream is not only refreshing and delightful, but it has made him a fantastic and patient partner. It would appear he is that analytical balance necessary to ground a creative personality like me,” laughs Danica Fontaine, President of Ethyrea Films. “He is an invaluable asset to both this Company and this Production’s team.”

Jarzobski is largely responsible for the recent announcements of the co-production deal with Reliance Mediaworks announced by Ethyrea Films late last month. Having been a contributor to such films as “Lincoln”, “Life of Pi”, and “Cowboys and Aliens”, the 9 million dollar deal is a testament to the level of commitment and reliable performance Edward brings to the table. In fact, Reliance Mediaworks is not the first Indian counterpart to join the team at Ethyrea Films courtesy of his dedication and accomplished skill. Late last year, Edward also brokered two separate Co-Production deals for the Ethyrea Franchise, which included bringing in the 2012 “International Animation Studio of the Year” Award winner, D Q Entertainment Intl Ltd. Garnering multiple accommodations and awards for the “Best Animated TV Series” and more, this global animation giant has multiple film and television awards and credits including the “New Adventures of Peter Pan” and the hit worldwide television series, “The Jungle Book.” With over 29 million already announced for visual effects allocation, Ethyrea Films is also rumored to be in the midst of partnering with an American powerhouse among Independent Animation studios on both the design and intricate creature details, and are rumored to be potentially announcing the development of a new green screen facility to help off-set the steep costs in effects estimated to be spent over the course of all five films in the franchise. The first of the films has 45 million in estimated expenditures dedicated solely to the Visual Effects which is an extraordinarily large portion of its 105 million dollar budget. However, with over 130 million in financial commitments secure, Ethyrea Films is set to announce its production and casting dates, and will begin to negotiate those costs down to fiscally manageable levels early next week. Thanks in part to Edward’s involvement, the money is already available if the budgeting needs exceed preliminary expectations.

“Eddie’s a machine! We have an excess in financial support and contributions, and some of the best and brightest of the industry volunteering for an early start on the production. From Oscar award winning Animators to solid, financially sound structuring of a new hedge fund we are developing for Independent Films, the man is more than just capable. He is genuine, sincere, and knows exactly what it takes to make the unimaginable happen. If you ask him to, and he agrees to it, you can take it to the bank. His world is like gold, and that is really saying something in this Industry,” added Senior Vice-President of Ethyrea Films, Lou Rawls, Jr.

Edward was a natural addition to the Ethyrea team. He has been an entrepreneur his whole life. He actually started his first business in elementary school and then founded a mortgage bank from the basement of his house into a multi-state lender with over 50 employees. He has served as a financial advisor and consultant on projects with companies of all sizes, but found his true passion when he consulted on his first film in 2009. He founded Panthera Film Finance, Inc. in 2009 and has served as an Executive Producer on multiple film projects since including “Racing Dreams” and “It’s a Dogs World”. He still runs and works with multiple companies in all types of industries including real estate, film production, and P&A, but he now specializes in the finance of movies. And judging from the results on the Ethyrea Franchise to date, it would appear that in addition to becoming the new CFO and Senior Vice-President at Ethyrea Films, LLC, he has really found his calling.

“I am so excited about being part of Ethyrea Films, Inc. Since meeting Danica and being asked to be a part of her team, I have flourished and my true passion for film has come to life. Danica is an amazing person, and without her dedication and passion, Ethyrea wouldn’t have been possible! I have loved movies since I was a child, but never had the opportunity to use my skills and experience to create such an amazing project with an incredible team,” says Edward Jarzobski.

Announcements from Ethyrea Films on “Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren” its Production Dates, Key Talent, Casting dates, personnel recruitment and more are expected out early next week. “Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren” is currently gearing up, fitting out, and getting ready for a long and some would say, “historically significant” production run. With five films slated for production in the Franchise alone, it is clear that everyone will be excited to see what else Edward has in store for what is already shaping up to be a bright and exciting future for the newest Vice-President at Ethyrea Films.

About Ethyrea Films:  Ethyrea Films is a Nevada Limited liability company and is in the early stages of incorporation. It was founded in 2011, and currently has key production deals with multiple studios, distributors, public corporations, and various agencies in all areas of entertainment production and multi-media outlets. Ethyrea Films does not accept, acknowledge, or return unsolicited materials under any circumstances.

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