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Hollywood Sunset Pictures to Produce Faith-based Feature Film "FORGIVEN This Gun 4 Hire"

Please Donate to Faith-based Feature Film "FORGIVEN This Gun 4 Hire" at: http:/

Hollywood 3/18/2013 1:15:11 PM

Hollywood Sunset Pictures is in pre-production on the Faith-based mainstream film "FORGIVEN This Gun 4 Hire".  The movie is described as a cross between the feature films "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" and "Zorro", and is designed to be shot in the style of Sergio Leone’s spaghetti westerns, but with a 3-D twist.

Plot Synopsis:
“An intriguing mysterious Stranger (like an avenging Angel) is called upon as a gun for hire to save a small town called Forgiven! The small town Sheriff (John), who has been driven out of Forgiven by a band of outlaws who preys on small towns, goes in search of the Stranger.  After days of searching he finds him in a bed and bath house.  The Stranger accepts the Sheriff’s offer and  heads to Forgiven! The devilish Blackie Wade has stepped in as Sheriff.  When the Stranger arrives, the town is subdued under the heavy hand of Blackie! The Stranger, with almost miraculous power, takes back  the town, and just as mysteriously as he  arrived, he is gone.”

Hollywood Sunset Pictures executives are currently casting the project, and are planning to have numerous major stars in the cast.  Studio executives are inviting interested individuals to join them on their journey. Great perks are available for contributors.  FaithLauncher is a social crowd-funding platform for Christian inspired projects from Christian entrepreneurs, ministries, filmmakers, musicians, artists, entertainers and other faith based projects. To donate to the faith-based film “FORGIVEN This Gun 4 Hire”, please visit:

Please check out the progression of “FORGIVEN This Gun 4 Hire” by visiting the IMDb site for the film:

Please also check out the website for the film at:  
About Hollywood Sunset Pictures
Hollywood Sunset Pictures Inc. Is a faith based film production company that produces faith based feature length films like "Forgiven This Gun 4 Hire" and the inspirational short film like "So In Love".  The goal of the studio is to produce faith-based studio type films on an Indie budget!  The entire staff at Hollywood Sunset Pictures Inc. places professionalism and dedication above all else.  The CEO and Founder of Hollywood Sunset Pictures is Nik Catello and the President is George Phillips. For more information, please visit the Hollywood Sunset Pictures website at: or email:

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