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SHADOW OF THE MONARCH Movie Debuts Kickstarter Campaign

Kickstarter Campaign Site Captures Essence of Movie; Notes Money Raising Goals; Lists Available Perks

Hollywood 5/1/2012 8:22:23 AM

Go Nuts Films has today announced the debut of a Kickstarter campaign on the company’s latest production, “Shadow of the Monarch.” The purpose of the campaign is to interest potential investors in the film, which is now in the pre-production stages, as well as indicate the various perks, such as film roles, available at various investment levels.  The Kickstarter video was edited by Cody Garcia and can be seen at:

According to the film’s writer and co-director John Luksetich, “We hope the video conveys the essence of what promises to be a hit film.   ‘Shadow of the Monarch’ is the product of months, if not years of research and careful and caring thought.  While space is considered the ‘final frontier,’ it really is the human mind.  The last movie to examine ‘mind control’ was, I believe, ‘The Manchurian Candidate.’ However, “Shadow of the Monarch” will reveal many facts about mind control and its potential utilization by organizations and nations investigating it as a tool for world dominance.” Luksetich notes:  “Ever since man crept out of the caves, he has concentrated on controlling the minds of others.  Only recently, the Hypogeum, built thousands of years ago on the island of Malta, has been discovered to contain acoustical chambers that emit a certain pitch aimed at controlling minds,” he said.  According to Jewels Lubin, producer of “Shadow of the Monarch,” “Mind-control programming was labeled ‘Monarch’ because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots), and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically. The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics.  Their thinking was that if knowledge can be passed genetically, then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind control.” 

Director Randy Kent recently stated his reasons for accepting the co-directing chores on “Shadow of the Monarch” rather that applying the totality of his skills to another film.  He emphasized that the opportunity to work with actor/director John Luksetich, the excellence of the “Monarch” script and the challenge of working on a film that promises to be a suspense classic were too much to turn down.  Luksetich notes, “While ‘Shadow’ is truly a ‘labor of love’ for all those involved in the production, many know the film’s potential might one day enable each to list a highly successful film on their lists of credits.”

About Go Nuts Films 

Go Nuts Films and Dreyluca Productions' mission is to make movies... Period end of story... Movies we would enjoy ourselves. Films that root for the underdog in all of us and leave us feeling better in some way for having seen them... Films that give us a little break from our hectic, busy lives.  Go Nuts Films is a company where no one is better than anyone else – we are just different. Go Nuts Films is more than a company; it's a frame of mind when society tells you, “You're too old, too young, too tall, too thin, too fat, too skinny, too ugly, too pretty, too dark, too light, too sensitive, too bold and any other “Toos” we have all heard before. Here with us, you are never “Too” anything. You are just you, and we wouldn't want you any different. ​Go Nuts Films is a company where we try to find each others' strengths, instead of picking on each other's weaknesses.  To view the Kickstarter page on  “Shadow of the Monarch” go to:

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