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Creepersin Films Starts Indiegogo Campaign for Five Fabulous Films, Starting with AWESOME GIRL GANG STREET FIGHTER

Dawna Lee Heising of MoreHorror in Hollywood Will Play THE DRAGON in AWESOME GIRL GANG STREET FIGHTER; Visit

Hollywood 5/8/2012 3:01:49 PM

Writer, director, producer and star Creep Creepersin is starting an Indiegogo campaign to order to make five films which are all different in their own unique ways, but are films that he has been wanting to do for quite some time. The films include:

Awesome Girl Gang Street Fighter

This is a tongue-in-cheek spoof of the Japanese Pink films from the 1970's. The film is super fun, violent and over the top. Action, humor and sexy girls on scooters - what more could anyone want?


A super gritty film where everyone gets his or her just desserts. No one gets away from paying the piper in this film about a group of college girls who meet a group of thugs. 

Creep Creepersin's Dracula

A modern day look at the classic Stoker tale.

Bam! The Ghost! 

A film about a ghost hunting crew who are themselves haunted by a ghost that wants its 15 minutes of fame. 

Fork You!

A horror film about a guy called Forkface who goes on a revenge-fueled killing spree with an assortment of forks. 

By shooting all of these at the same time, Creepersin will be cutting down on costs and making production of the five films possible. They will all be shot in Los Angeles, CA. The perks offered on Creepersin Films’ Indie-go-go campaign are very unique. Contributors will be receiving IMDb credits, walk on roles, props from the films, attending cast and crew parties and so much more. There are Associate Producer packs, Producer Packs and Executive Producer packs to choose from – something for every budget.  Awesome Girl Gang Street Fighter will begin filming on May 18, 2012.  The cast includes:  Felissa Rose as Queen Jira; Savannah Ostler as Sassy;  Dawna Lee Heising as The Dragon; Ronnie Kerr as Champion; Creep Creepersin as Big Boss Jira;  Elvis Winterbottom as Doc; Suziey Block as Blue; Jonathan Camp as Jimbo Jira;  Dustin York as Cub Jira; Robin Ritter as Smash; Lisa Margaroli as Lynch; Kelly Nhim as Kix; and Berna Roberts as Man’s Ruin.  For more information, please visit the Indie-go-go site at:

About Creepersin Films

Creepersin Films has made 50 films in the last five years, many of which can be found in Barnes and Noble, Borders, Sam Goody, Tower, Target, Best Buy, Fry’s, Wal-Mart, Netflix and many other outlets.  In addition, many of the films have been distributed worldwide, and are available through VOD, PPV and Internet pay-per-view.  Creepersin has recently established Creepersin Film School to help filmmakers get films made quickly at the lowest cost, set up United States and overseas distribution and take advantage of new media as a source of income.  Creepersin is a multi-talented film director, musician, screenwriter, producer, actor and author.  His three books, “The Legend of Cartwayne Twain and other Tales and Poems”, “Blood Lust Romance” and “Blood Lust Revenge”, were published through his own Creepsville Press publishing house in 2006.  Creepersin also founded the rock band Creepersin in 2004 in Orange County, California.  For more information, visit:

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