John Luksetich, writer and co-director of “Shadow of the Monarch,” a major film now in pre-production by Go Nuts Films, admits that during the filming he is constantly “looking over his shoulder.” Monarch, he says, tackles the forbidden, foreboding subject of mind control, something which is being given more press during these days due to world turmoil. According to Luksetich, Adolph Hitler was one of the first dictators to investigate mind control and practiced it to an extent. “An elementary form of mind control is repeating a message time and time again until people believe it,” and this is what Hitler did. “However,” says Luksetich, “he also had scientists delving into more sophisticated forms of mind control, and there are many who believe investigation of this sort is being conducted today in several countries, including the US.”
He points to the growing abundance of transmission towers cropping up in all regions, seemingly for the benefit of wireless communications, such as cell phones. “Many believe that these towers are for the use of mind control techniques, since they far exceed the number necessary to communicate voice and data,” says Luksetich. “Ted Bundy, the 'Son of Sam' l killer David Berkowitz, Oswald, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine shooters, Sirhan Sirhan, and even those connected with the 9/11 disaster” are thought to have been programmed. “I only hope that “Shadow of the Monarch” gets audiences to think about mind control. While space is thought to be the “final frontier,” the mind has many dimensions that have yet to be explored. And, just as space exploration is being conducted by several countries, so is investigation into the crevices of the mind,” concludes Luksetich.
About Go Nuts Films
Go Nuts Films and Dreyluca Productions' mission is to make movies... Period end of story... Movies we would enjoy ourselves. Films that root for the underdog in all of us and leave us feeling better in some way for having seen them... Films that give us a little break from our hectic, busy lives. Go Nuts Films is a company where we try to find each others' strengths, instead of picking on each other's weaknesses. For more information on “Shadow of the Monarch” go to:
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