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PIX/SEE Productions’  “DEADLY REVISIONS” starring Bill Oberst Jr. lets fans be part of the action!

Gregory Blair’s mystery/thriller “DEADLY REVISIONS” starring international sensation Bill Oberst, Jr. seeks to engage film fans with an exciting new Kickstarter campaign.

Hollywood 7/9/2012 5:30:00 PM

Wanna be a part of a movie? The team behind DEADLY REVISIONS opens the doors to let fans claim a piece of the action.  “Filmmaking used to be this mysterious event that happened in some obscure, remote Neverland,”writer/director Blair explains.  “That’s completely changed.  Today with DVD special features, conventions, social media tools, etc., films and the people who make them can be accessible to fans all along the way.  And audiences want to be a part of the process.  So we’re inviting that.”

In DEADLY REVISIONS, an amnesiac horror film writer finds hypnotherapy and nightmares reveal memories that might or might not be real…and that might or might not be deadly.  Its twisted blend of mystery, psychological thriller and horror is tasty fodder for fans of numerous genres.   The DEADLY REVISIONS team wants to give extra access to anyone who wants more out of the experience.

“Fans want to be a part of the films getting made and we want to make that happen with DEADLY REVISIONS,” Producer Roxy Shih says.  “One way to do that is through a crowd-funding campaign like Kickstarter.  For a few bucks, fans can find their name associated with the film on the official website or on IMDB; they can actually be a producer, get a piece of movie swag—even get invited to the premiere!  It’s a fun and guaranteed way to be a part of the film.   And there aren’t a lot of guarantees in this world, so it’s an exceptional opportunity.”

Blair sees it as a win-win.  “The audience gets what they want:  to be a part of the film in whatever way they choose from the options we offer…and we end up raising funds—and more money is a commodity all independent productions can always use.”

The DEADLY REVISIONS Kickstarter campaign is live now through August 22nd.  “So join us and be an accessory,” Blair quips.   “It’s an opportunity to die for.”  Join the fun at:

DEADLY REVISIONS begins shooting August 2012.  For updates, visit:

The official DEADLY REVISIONS website:


The DEADLY REVISIONS Facebook page:

The DEADLY REVISIONS Twitter:!/DeadlyRevisions

The DEADLY REVISIONS Teaser Trailer:

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