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“Tragedy of a Mother and Son,” Highly Anticipated Film, Set for Theatrical Release

From Romane Simon Film Productions, Picture Deals with ‘Taboo’ Subject of Unknowing Incest; DVD Release Anticipated Early 2013

Hollywood 10/29/2012 7:09:10 AM

Romane Simon Film Productions has announced that the company’s highly anticipated film, “Tragedy of a Mother and Son,” will soon hit theatres with a DVD release to follow in early 2013.  According to Romane Simon, a multi-talented individual who is now living his dream to be part of show business, “Tragedy” deals with what has here-to-fore been a subject rarely approached in films, that of incest, although it occurs unintentionally by the film characters.  However, Romane quickly adds, “While incest is explored in ‘Tragedy,’ the film really centers on one of the major problems of the 21st Century, the growing numbers of young adults who are not qualified to be parents. "Tragedy" centers on a young girl, Jennifer, who falls in with the wrong crowd.  Once an A student, her associations cause her grades to decline. At the age of five, Jennifer suffers the untimely death of her father. Five years later, Jennifer's mother decides to remarry, leaving her young daughter unhappy once again. This choice has unintended consequences, and Jennifer spirals out of control.  " This story has betrayal, vindictiveness, love and redemption. It is a reminder that some choices made in the past can and will affect the future. " says Romane.    To see the movie trailer, please visit:

Romane recently appeared on the nationally broadcast television series, “Eye on Entertainment,” where he was interviewed by host Dawna Lee Heising, who has a featured role in “Tragedy.”  During the interview, Romane discusses his Haitian upbringing, his show business ambitions and his next production, “Then The Night Comes,” in which Heising plays a major role as Detective Cleo. The grandson of a former president of Haiti, Simon tells Heising that though his upbringing on the island was as far from Hollywood as one could get, his ambitions always centered on the world of Hollywood show business.  While his acting career actually began and thrived in Haiti, Simon says he knew that to realize fully his dreams he had to relocate to the City of Stars, Hollywood.  Not only does Simon currently head his own production company, but he also works as a screenwriter, actor, fight choreographer, stuntman, martial arts expert, dancer and even model.   Simon is also an accomplished MMA Fighter, and is, in fact, was MMA World Champion in 2001. 

During the interview, Heising discovers that Simon is more than just a celebrity; he is also a caring person at heart. To the young generation, who is taking a wrong turn in their path of life, he offers this hope—“It’s not too late to turn your life around. If you decide you want to leave the street and do something to make your parents proud, then contact me. I can help you. There are plenty of opportunities to turn something that was bad into something that is now good.” Simon is also eager to work with other talented professionals in the entertainment industry.  Individuals interested in working as a cast member for a Simon Productions project or those whose backgrounds include motion picture production and direction are also urged to contact him at

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