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Mike Mitchell to Join the Ranks of Ethyrea and Help Focus In on a “Surprise Cause” that’s Not Your typical Hollywood Film Franchise

From brilliant Author/Producer, Danica Fontaine, comes to you the next new phenomenal “family-friendly”, fantasy/adventure and sci-fi film feature film series with the first installment being: Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren - Feature film series

Hollywood 11/3/2012 3:21:40 AM

Ethyrea, LLC has done it again: This time garnering the attention of the “International Body Building Community” by teaming up with the newest Superstar to join the ranks early on- the highly-popular and well-loved European fan favorite, Mike Mitchell.  “It’s such an honor”, says Mike. “I’m so excited to be a part of a project as amazing as this”. Mike will play the role of “Emperor Elrich”, which is only appropriate for a man of his celebrity stature. A two-time World Fitness Federation  “Mr. Universe” and an amazing five times World Fitness Federation “Mr. World”, throughout his illustrious career of seventeen years in film, Mike has graced the silver screen in multiple high-action films such as “Gladiator and BraveHeart” and is currently in filming on three films at once, having just wrapped up recently on the extremely well-received, new James Bond film, “SkyFall”.  Mike came into the project through Co-Producer, Kathy Krantz. Kathy Krantz Stewart, Long Time Sci-fi/Fantasy world Publisher of The Trekker News and Views, and writer for  Fangoria and Starlog, and a veritable founder of the Fantasy genre is also a seasoned, veteran of the screen, who, in addition to Co-Producing,  will also play three separate very unique character roles in the film. An award-winning screenwriter and actress herself, Kathy was completely enchanted by “Ethyrea” and all of its amazing packaged non-profit plans, and plans to involve the fans.Danica’s story is excellent, and follows in the footsteps of the greats before her; like Lord of the Rings, and even the Harry Potter series.  Ethyrea brings you into an entirely new world, and each film in the series has the stand alone potential to be a great blockbuster. I think there will be an explosion of a world-wide fan base following like Star Trek and Harry Potter. And, since it is a family friendly film series that has some serious plans to support education, it immediately attracted me.”

Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren, coming to theaters worldwide in 2014, is an all new, all original, fantasy adventure series that features celebrity television host and former Ms. World Dawna Lee Heising, recent Life Time Achievement Award Winner, Cylk Cozart, and is rumored to be in talks with one of America’s “sweethearts” and Pop Icons, and some of the finest Titans in the Industry.  In addition to an award winning cast, is Ethyrea’s award winning crew. Ethyrea’s crew is a veritable Who’s who list of Hollywood, made up of an entirely A-list crew of seasoned veteran Hollywood filmmakers including Producer Billy Badalato, who is known for his work on Walden Media's Around the World in 80 Days, Dear John, About Schmidt, Alien Resurrection, Broken Arrow, Top Gun and even the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Internationally award winning animation houses like Sandman Studios, Paralight Films, and even the winner of the International Animation Studio of the Year Award, DQ Entertainment, well known for their work on Disney XD and on the new Disney Jungle Book.  Also, already signed on board and bringing their vast expertise to the franchise are Steve Old and Peter White as Horse Masters and Animal Wranglers, having just wrapped up filming on The Hobbit, War Horse, Clash and Wrath of the Titans,  as well as the Canadian Stunt Team run by Stunt Master Stéphane Lefebvre, including Mike Chute, Jeffrey Ong, and Michael Scherer who, between them all have been responsible for the stunt work on films such as Red, Total Recall 2012, 300, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, 2012, and even some of the Twilight Saga’s such as “ New Moon” and more. As more and more stars jump in early, the Ethyrea Team is slowly but surely rounding out this film into an International “Phenom in the Making”. Most exciting of all is the huge amount of non-profit work, and tremendous amount of revenue’s this franchise will generate for Education. Participating by invitation only, and in a post-theatrical capacity, Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren will be used as fundraising tool for more than 122,000 schools in America, as well as will also be making contributions to each of the cast members favorite non-profit organization through an extraordinary marketing and merchandising plan, to be spearheaded with Danica by Elijah May and Justin Scribner out of Austin, Texas. 

With domestic distribution already guaranteed, this independent blockbuster is a four picture franchise based on the young adult book series, The Order of Ethyrea, from Author Danica Fontaine and Old Line Publishing. One of the freshest, most exciting, and unique concepts to hit Hollywood in a long time, this film franchise is Clash of the Titans meets Lord of the Rings but without gore, foul language, and elements that would keep it from being appropriate for all ages. Family friendly films are important to everyone in the Ethyrea camp. Danica, who will be a featured Author and Guest on the film panel for Mysticon in Virginia in 2013, and the rest of her team have been being very tight lipped when it comes to their lead actors and top candidates for the position of Director, and Art/Creature Design, as well as about these “secret non-profit plans” they apparently have incorporated into the project. With Casting slated to begin soon, there are still some major announcements to come before it begins. "We have an amazing amount of momentum and enthusiasm involved with this project. From the bottom to the top, everyone is itching to move into Casting our lead characters, and Directors, and just get started!” says Danica. “And me too! We have some of the wildest and most completely unheard of marketing plans that are going to make this one of the most fun and exciting film experiences of all time. And not just for the cast, and crew, but for the fans, too. We have so many exciting things planned: things that will change a lot of lives for the better. That’s the beauty of this team: the focus of everyone’s life on this team so far is already about making a difference in a manner that counts. Can it be done as an Independent film? I think you are in for a very big surprise!”

Ethyrea will be filmed in some of the most beautiful places on Earth inclusive of Hawaii, Louisiana, Mexico, possibly China or Bulgaria and potentially (fingers crossed) the jewel of the Mediterranean: the Majestic and Mystical Islands of Malta!  Danica's business partner is Lou Rawls, Jr, the son of the late, great Lou Rawls, and is no stranger to the Entertainment Industry. Having worked side by side with Danica for nearly four years now, Lou and Danica also spend a great portion of their time working together as Co-advisors of the Chicago Non-Profit 501 c 3 organization, The Louis Rawls Foundation. “After seeing Danica in action within the Louis Rawls Foundation, I can’t wait for the real work that is about to begin. Danica is a force of nature and our company has plans unlike anything Hollywood has ever seen!”  Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren, based on the book series, The Order of Ethyrea by author Danica Fontaine, is the first installment in a franchise that revolves around a world in another realm - a realm where every kingdom has mastered the control of an element. The Brethren are fierce warriors of high moral character, imaginative power, and unrivaled mastery of battle skills and sorcery. The first film’s story revolves around a curse by an evil Sorceress. Ethyrea and its Kingdoms begin to fall prey to an attack from her army of Nightmares, forcing the Royal Brethren of every Kingdom to come together before the Oracle and seek out a long foretold prophecy that will save Ethyrea from a fate far worse than destruction. Together, the Brethren will undertake a perilous quest to reunite the pieces of remembrance that were lost in realms destroyed by their opposite element long, long ago. Alongside of some pretty outstanding magical elements and special CGI effects and techniques, Ethyrea features unique creatures and Guardians rarely seen in fantasy films. There not only be dragons here.... but griffins, gargoyles, harpies, sea serpents, along with Draconians and a  wonderful and completely brand new mythical creatures. Ethyrea features no gore, no foul language, and is an exciting, imaginative thrill ride for the whole family. Some of Hollywood's greatest minds: Dean Cundey, Billy Badalato, Stephen Sobisky, Lee Baker, renowned Casting Director Robyn Owen, Troy Edwards of ITM-Entertainment, DQ Entertainment (Winner of the 2012 International Animation Studios of the Year Award) alongside numerous “Oscar” Winning Candidates and companies that have been brought together by the creator of this new blockbuster fantasy franchise that is most definitely going to be a "must see" come Spring 2014. To learn more about Ethyrea, check out or contact Publicity at Ethyrea dot com or Kathy at Ethyrea dot com.

A second edition release of The Order of Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren  is currently being prepared for a second print run in order to include some bonus elements including a map, character and a reference guide. The Order of Ethyrea: Tribe of the Lost  has also been recently released from Old Line Publishing. The second edition print runs for this series is also underway and will soon be available where ever fine books are sold. A limited number of first editions are still available through,, and of course, for a discount through the publisher, Old Line Publishing or at So, get in the know and Order your copy today, and then ask yourself:  Are you of the Brethren?

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