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Armstrong Brothers to “Tag-Team” Direct New Fantasy Blockbuster Film Franchise “Ethyrea”

Hollywood 11/10/2012 6:10:49 AM

Sci-fi and fantasy fans rejoice! Coming soon to theaters is an all new, all original, fantasy adventure series that, rumor has it, will be “tag-team” directed and produced by the latest edition to the Ethyrea Elite Crew: the world renowned, legendary Armstrong brothers: Vic and Andy Armstrong. From the brilliant mind of Danica Fontaine, Ethyrea, LLC and Executive Produced by Panthera Film Finance Company, Inc. comes the newest Sci-fi/Fantasy Action Blockbusters franchise; Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren. With distribution already guaranteed, this independent blockbuster is a minimum of four pictures franchise based on the young adult book series, The Order of Ethyrea, from Multi-Award Winning Author turned Producer Danica Fontaine and Old Line Publishing. 

“Vic and I are honored and extremely excited to be considered and offered the opportunity to direct and produce together a movie like this, and can bring a lot of expertise and experience to the table,” says Andy Armstrong. Andy, in preparation on the new Spiderman, is currently dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in New York, while Vic prepares to direct Nicholas Cage in the long anticipated Left Behind Series. “But,” says Andy, “when it comes to horses and action sequences, there is nobody on the planet more knowledgeable and seasoned in the art of heavy action direction than Vic. And of course, I am very keen on producing material that Vic directs.” 

This surprise tag-team announcement rounds out a well-seasoned A List crew currently lining up to work on the Surprise Blockbuster, including legends such as Producer Billy Badalato, long-time Action Veteran’s Steve Old, Peter White, Stephane Lefebvre, Mike Chute, Jeffry Ong, Casting Director Robyn Owen, Visual Effects Supervisor Stephen Sobisky, and even the mastermind of Cinematography himself, Dean Cundey. In fact, this film’s crew is steeped in the Hollywood elite and some of the finest independent and mainstream studios around today are already committed to the project including the Internationally award winning animation houses Sandman Studios Entertainment, Paralight Films and DQ Entertainment, with DQE being the most recent recipient of the “International Animation Studio of the Year Award. It’s evident Ms. Fontaine has been carefully assembling some of Hollywood’s greatest minds, and has quietly been compiling a team dynamic that can rival even the biggest of studio film releases. 

“I am extremely excited to be able to work on a film of this caliber. In my thirty years in the industry, I have never had a script draw me into another world so unique and so completely, that I couldn't put it down! Danica has worked very hard reaching out and pulling in the cream of the crop and the most elite that Hollywood has to offer, and I just can't wait to get started”, says Producer Billy Badalato. 

When asked about her thoughts on the Armstrong’s potential coming on board Danica had this to say: “It’s a dream come true! And just wait till you see what we have up our other sleeve!” Danica and a select few of her team will also be featured at Mysticon in Virginia in 2013 and word has it, casting will be starting very soon. For a sneak peek into the world of Ethyrea and her A-list crew known collectively for their work on films such as Skyfall, Gladiator, Braveheart, Spiderman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Race to Witch Mountain, Mission Impossible II & III, 300, Red, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Total Recall 2012, War Horse, The Hobbit, Clash of the Titans, Lord of the Rings and even the Twilight series, check out in the coming days ahead and ask yourself this question: Are You of the Brethren?

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