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Actor/co-producer Kathy Krantz Stewart, Queen of Sci-Fi Magazine, Is Vyla/Pamera and the Hag in Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren

Vic and Andy Armstrong Signed on to Co-direct Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren

Hollywood 11/20/2012 3:04:27 AM

Kathy Krantz Stewart has just come back from the UK from her big role in the film Pearls of Africa where she played Emily. This was filmed in Boxted Hall, a 700-year-old estate in England, and was also shot in Kenya.  In addition, her sci-fi film, Master Race from Mars, is planned for distribution next year by Ytinifni Pictures. Kathy executive produced and plays Catherine in this film, which her husband wrote and directed.  She is also starring next year in Cowgirl Romance, a family friendly western she is executive producing, shooting in the US. She has other projects planned, including Dolphin’s Song and her role as Lilith. The newest BLOCKBUSTER sci-fi fantasy film series Kathy is thrilled to be part of is Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren. This four part film series has an 80 million dollar budget with big stars attached. She is going to go around the world to many foreign and US locations to shoot this amazing new film, including Hawaii, China, Malta, and potentially the UK, etc.  She plays three roles as Vyla/Pamera and the Hag.  Kathy Krantz Stewart, long time Sci-fi/Fantasy world publisher of The Trekker News and Views, and writer for Fangoria and Starlog and a veritable founder of the Fantasy genre, is also a seasoned, veteran of the screen, who, in addition to co-producing, will also play three separate very unique character roles in the film. An award-winning screenwriter and actress herself, Kathy was completely enchanted by “Ethyrea” and all of its amazing packaged non-profit plans, and plans to involve the fans. “Danica’s story is excellent and follows in the footsteps of the greats before her; like Lord of the Rings, and even the Harry Potter series. Ethyrea brings you into an entirely new world, and each film in the series has the stand alone potential to be a great blockbuster,” says Kathy.  She adds, “I think there will be an explosion of a world-wide fan base following like Star Trek and Harry Potter. And since it is a family friendly film series that has some serious plans to support education, it immediately attracted me.”

The latest news is that Vic and Andy Armstrong, whose combined directorial credits span the decades from Indiana Jones to Thor and from   I, Robot, to Rise of the Planet of the Apes, have agreed to team up and co-direct the new Blockbuster Fantasy Action Film series Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren. Based on Old Line Publishing’s popular, young adult book series, The Order of Ethyrea, by author Danica Fontaine, Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren seeks to differentiate itself by delivering the same epic production value we have come to expect from such film sagas as Lord of the Rings,Clash of the Titans, and Twilight, while simultaneously maintaining a commitment to forgo gratuitous violence, sexuality, and coarse language in exchange for an action packed, thrill-ride that will be magical and suitable for all ages. “Andy and I are both honored and excited about teaming up on this project. We see the opportunity to combine our collective experience in directing, producing, and stunt coordination - on many of the world’s biggest budget films - and create something truly epic.  We have not only the technical experience and expertise, but a deep passion for bringing Danica’s vision to life,” says Vic. “And when it comes to horses and action sequences, there is nobody on the planet more knowledgeable and seasoned in the art of heavy action direction than Vic,” says Andy. “I am always keen on Producing and working on massive pictures like this one with Vic.”  Even with Andy in prep on the new Spiderman, and Vic gearing up to Direct Nicholas Cage in the long anticipated remake of The Left Behind Series, they are excited to start working with Danica and world renowned Casting Director, Robyn Owen, on casting the film soon.

Filming in China, Hawaii, Malta and potentially in the UK, Danica Fontaine adapted the screenplay from her award winning book series, The Order of Ethyrea. Having recently been awarded the Gold Star Award from Publisher’s Desk for both book one and book two in the series, she was also a nominee for the Shorty Awards as an Author last year. Starting her own production company and building the film crew from the ground up with her Partner, Lou Rawls, Jr, son of the great Lou Rawls, she has slowly assembled some of the brightest minds in the industry into an 80 million dollar Blockbuster film franchise that now has guaranteed distribution, and several household names attached to the project. When asked about her thoughts on the Armstrong’s coming on board, Writer and Producer Danica Fontaine said, “I am honored and humbled by this most amazing turn of events. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that something so amazing and so fantastic could become of my Ethyrea! Vic and Andy Armstrong are icons in the film industry. Their combined experience in directing, producing, and stunt coordination on nearly 30 of the last decade’s biggest blockbusters speak for itself. It just makes sense on every level to bring them on board, and I am beyond confident in their ability to bring the magic and wonder of Ethyrea to the silver screen.”  

The film crew Danica has assembled is pretty amazing themselves. Collectively, they have worked on massive productions such as Skyfall, Gladiator, Braveheart, Spiderman, Pirates of the Caribbean, Race to Witch Mountain, Mission Impossible II & III, 300, Red, Salt, Total Recall 2012, War Horse, The Hobbit, Clash of the Titans, Lord of the Rings, Shrek, Armageddon, and even the Twilight series just to name a few. In addition to Vic and Andy Armstrong coming in as Ethyrea’s Directors, are numerous award winning animation studios and individuals, including DQ Entertainment, winner of the 2012 International Animation Studio of the Year award, Legendary Producer Billy Badalato, known for his work on Around the World in 80 days, About Schmidt, Dear John, Alien: Resurrection, Top Gun,Broken Arrow and even Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Visual Effect Supervisor Stephen Sobisky, known for his work on Shrek, Race to Witch Mountain, The Game Plan and Antz, as well as legendary Cinematographer Dean Cundey, responsible for Apollo 13, Jurassic Park, Hook, and theBack to the Future Films.

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