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Dawna Lee Heising Wins “Miss Celebrities of Facebook 2012”

Heising Will Appear in ETHYREA as The Oracle; Shane P. Carey’s CELEBRITIES OF FACEBOOK Is the Largest Celebrities Group in the History of Facebook

Hollywood 11/23/2012 6:27:47 PM

Dawna Lee Heising won the title of “Miss Celebrities of Facebook 2012” on November 22, 2012.  The title was awarded to the finalist who received the most votes from the members of Celebrities of Facebook (COF), the largest celebrities group in the history of Facebook.  COF currently has more than 10, 300 members.  The award was announced by Shane P. Carey, the owner of Celebrities of Facebook.  Heising is a member of SAG-AFTRA, and belonged to Sal Romeo’s Friends and Artists theatre group in Los Angeles, CA for twelve years.  She has appeared in numerous film, TV and theatre productions, including performing as Dana in "Barbie & the Rockers" at Universal Studios; Cleo the Snake Dancer in "Magnum, P.I."; Miss Hawaii in "Fantasy Island"; Michelle in "Waiting for Dracula"; Joie in "The Famous Joe Project"; Abby in “Pond Scum”; and Joan in “Slink”.  She is signed to play The Snake Woman in Mark Savage’s “Circus of Dread” in 2013, and the Oracle in Danica Fontaine’s blockbuster series of fantasy feature films “Ethyrea”, upcoming in 2014.  Heising has a B.S. in Business Management and MBA from Pepperdine University, and is the CEO of Eye on Excellence™ Productions and Eye on Excellence™ PR.   She is the executive producer and host of the nationally broadcast television series "Eye on Entertainment", and is the Hollywood Correspondent for Seth Metoyer’s  She has worked as a swimsuit model for Ujena, Venus Swimwear and Catalina, and was Ms. World 2008.  Heising is also the vice president of marketing for Sureworks, an innovative Point‐of‐Sales (POS) software company, and for The Audio Box, a social networking community for musicians and composers.  She is listed in "Who's Who in Technology", and has built four marketing departments in technology companies from the ground up.   Please visit: and  

Shane P. Carey is the owner of Celebrities of Facebook, the largest Celebrities group in the history of Facebook, and it's chain of sub-groups. Shane is an Internet marketer and Facebook trainer. He is located in Elkhart, Indiana, and is an aspiring author. Celebrities of Facebook (COF) is the brand name of a large Facebook group, and its sub-groups. It is meant to be a place where celebrities and non-celebrities can interact without fear of anyone getting weird. It is a controlled atmosphere with over 50 Admins. It is also a great place to network for those looking to break into the Entertainment Industry.  Please visit:

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