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Ethyrea Films Welcomes Award Winning Composers & Sound Designers Ivan Capillas and Jonathan Elias

World-renowned Directors Vic and Andy Armstrong to Co-Direct "Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren"

Hollywood 12/1/2012 2:53:18 PM

Ethyrea Films, LLC has announced today that multi-award winning, and brilliant composer Ivan Capillas has garnered the coveted spot of “Composer” for the new Blockbuster Fantasy and family friendly feature film, “Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren”. “His music is transcendent!” says Creator and Producer, Danica Fontaine. “He can paint images and evoke emotions you don’t even know you are capable of just by listening to his brilliant work. I have heard a lot of composers as of late, but there is just something special about Ivan.”

Ivan Capillas is a world-renowned Spanish film scorer and conductor with experience as a conductor, orchestrator and composer for TV, films, theatre, commercials, documentary and even videogames. Recently, and for second time in a row, He’s been a nominee for the prestigious Hollywood Music in Media Awards, one of the most important music events in Hollywood, and the recipient of the “Award of Excellence” (Best Shorts Awards), “the Gold Award” (The Prestige Awards), “the Award of Excellence” (The Indie Fest Awards) and the “Award of Merit” (The Accolade Awards). He’s also been awarded for Best Original Score at the Festival Dunas de Cine de Fuerteventura and more. A full list of accolades and awards, along with a sample of some of his work, are available on his website  “I am honored and humbled by Danica’s faith in me. Ethyrea is a rich and beautiful world that is not short on inspiration for beautiful music. I intend it to be “MY MASTERPIECE”, says Ivan.

“Joining Ivan on this massive endeavor”, says Music Producer Lou Rawls Jr, who is also a Senior Executive Vice President of Ethyrea Films, LLC, “is the illustrious Mega-Talent Jonathan Elias of Elias Arts. With two minds of such tremendous talent working on both facets of the Soundtrack, Instrumental and Commercial, There is no doubt that they will hit this out of the ball park and bring both style and class to what is already a “work of Art.” Lou Rawls, r, son of the legendary Lord of Music himself- Lou Rawls, needs no introduction. Partnered with Danica since the inception of Ethyrea several years ago, Lou was the only logical choice for Danica to select as her Music and Soundtrack Producer. Lou, his intimate knowledge with the franchise enabling him to join Danica in the “vision” of what she is looking for, brought Jonathan Elias in as the final piece needed to make this a Musical Trifecta.

“It began in space,” says Jonathan Elias. “Ever since Elias Arts composed the atmospheric music for the trailer of Ridley Scott’s “Alien,” we have been uncompromising in our dedication to provide the best damn music for any medium. We have contributed music and sound design to almost every medium you can imagine...from hugely complex film scores to video games. And in every example, you can clearly see the dedication and creativity we bring to the project.”

Elias Arts will also be doing Ethyrea’s Sound Design. “Sound and music are almost inseparable, and our approach to sound design reflects that inherent dichotomy. The two are so deeply entwined, that it only makes sense to create them simultaneously. Our designers and composers work side-by-side, constantly collaborating and sharing ideas, in order to create the perfect balance between the two. I think working with Ivan on this film will be a fresh experience for us both, and we are looking forward to getting started. After all, sound and Music are two sides of the same coin. There cannot be one without the other. ”Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren is currently preparing to move into Casting and Pre-production. As a family friendly, fantasy/action/adventure blockbuster, we expect to be rated PG and are pushing for a Spring 2014 release. For more information on any of the above you may visit,, or www.EliasArtscom.

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