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Paralight Films and Sandman Studios Join "Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren"

Danica Fontane's "Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren" Will Be Co-directed by Vic and Andy Armstrong

Hollywood 12/5/2012 8:47:55 AM

Paralight Films, the company currently producing the fantasy film Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys which will star Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson’s daughter, has partnered with Ethyrea Films to co-produce Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren.  The owners of Paralight Films, Stephen Sobisky and Lee Baker, also jointly control the visual effects company Sandman Studios and have signed Sandman Studios to be the lead visual effects company on the project.  

“From the moment we met Danica and reviewed the story we have had a passion to be part of this project.  We love to create new worlds and bring to life characters that will have an impact for generations.  This story will do that,“ said Sobisky, who has worked on some of the most visually stunning films/TV of all time, including Shrek, Pushing Daisies, Grimm, Independence Day, Race to Witch Mountain, The Game Plan, A.I. Artificial Intelligence, Scooby Doo 2, Mission Impossible, Mission Impossible II, Titanic, Air Force One, Armageddon, The Fifth Element, Antz, Broken Arrow, Apollo 13, True Lies and many more.

The talented artists and programmers from Sandman have created new worlds in video games as well as films.  Sandman, through their subsidiary, Glyphx Games created the video game Advent Rising and have worked with Electronic Arts on mini-games for GI Joe, Nerf, Monopoly and Littlest Pet Shop.  “Our vision for the world of Ethyrea is large and will expand to more than just the feature film.  We are looking forward to taking this film to video game form and creating an interactive experience for all the fans.  The fact that we are creating the visual effects for the film will allow us to take the high end assets and create a visually stunning video game experience at levels the world has not seen,” said Baker. 

Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren is assembling an award-winning crew led by the directorial team of Vic and Andy Armstrong whose combined credits span the decades from Indiana Jones to Thor and from I, Robot, to Rise of the Planet of the Apes.  Paralight Films and Sandman Studios have the experience and technical understanding to bring the thrilling fantasy world of Ethyrea: Code of the Brethren created by author Danica Fontaine to life in the theater and as an interactive video game experience for the whole world to enjoy.

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