Dawna Lee Heising of “Eye on Entertainment” on Time Warner Cable interviewed executive producer and star Domiziano Arcangeli, director Creep Creepersin, David Taylor and female lead Rachel Zeskind on the set of their new film “Bride of Sodom”, which was written and directed by Creep Creepersin, and produced by Aine Leicht and Nikki Wall. Brides of Sodom is being released through Arcangeli’s new company, Empire Films, and Sterling Entertainment. Starring Dylan Vox, Peter Stickles, David Taylor, Beverly Lynne, Elina Madison, Zeskind and Arcangeli, the post-apocalyptic vampire film’s special effects are being overseen by Ron Karkosa.
Creep Creepersin is an American film director, musician, screenwriter, producer, actor and author. Creep was born in Anaheim, CA, and met his bandmate, producer and wife Nikki Wall in the eighth grade. Creep and Wall were married in 2008. Creepersin’s directorial debut was for his own music video “Meet Me Out in the Sticks” in 2005. From there, Creepersin has forged a successful career as a filmmaker creating films such as O.C. Babes and the Slasher of Zombietown, Vaginal Holocaust, Caged Lesbos a Go Go, Orgy of Blood and The Brothers Cannibal. Creep has written three books. “The Legend of Cartwayne Twain and other tales and poems”, “Blood Lust Romance” and “Blood Lust Revenge” were published through his own Creepsville Press publishing house in 2006.
Creep founded the Horror/Goth Rock band Creepersin and also the electro punk band The Sci-Fi Originals. Creepersin is working on a new full length album in December. In 2007, the band released an EP entitled ‘Creepersin’s Final Chapter’ and a compilation of previously released songs and demos called ‘House of Creepersin’ in 2008. However, the band hasn’t put out a full length album since its 2006 album ‘Faster Creepersin Kill Kill’ so Creepersin music fans are excited.
Arcangeli has appeared in more than sixty films, ten television series and numerous theatrical productions, both in Italy and the United States. This past spring, Arcangeli starred in the big budget Martial Arts action thriller “Samurai Avenger, the Blind Wolf”, which was shot in Tokyo, Japan and Los Angeles, CA. Arcangeli recently appeared in the feature film “The House of Flesh Mannequins”, an art house thriller shot in Rome, Italy and Los Angeles, CA. Additional film appearances include a cameo in the Lion’s Gate comedy “Still Waiting”, and a co-starring role in the horror film, “Frankenstein Rising”. His recent television appearances include a lead role in the HBO comedy “Is Nudity Required?” and roles in the KCAL9 Biblical television series “It Is Written”. Widely respected for his craft, Arcangeli starred alongside Christian Slater and Sean Connery in “The Name of the Rose” (directed by Jean Jacques Annaud) and alongside Dennis Hopper in “Devil’s Highway”.
Arcangeli began his acting career at the age of thirteen in Italy performing in “The Good Soldier” for Academy Award winning director Franco Brusati, which led to work with such masters of European cinema as Federico Fellini (Intervista), and Liliana Cavani (Francesco). He has also worked with other celebrated Italian directors, including include Tinto Brass , Umberto Lenzi, Stelvio Massi and Bruno Mattei Fluent in English, French and Italian, he has dubbed Jude Law and Mark Wahlberg, and holds dual citizenship. Says Arcangeli, “I believe in never being satisfied with yourself, never getting tired of looking inside, or of discovering new things, new emotions, and new experiences. Living life fully and with intensity, I’d like to be always able to express myself as an artist and through art leave an impression of integrity and humanity in the public imagination.”
Brides of Sodom leading lady Rachel Zeskind is also a philanthropist, screenwriter and political activist. Rachel Zeskind is the Celebrity Ambassador for Look to the Stars, and is the official spokesperson for the charity event A Night of Art for a Purpose, which raises funds for L.A. GOAL and Smile Train.
Brides of Sodom leading man David Taylor attended Syracuse University, where he played Lacrosse. During his highly successful modeling career, he was featured in Abercrombie & Fitch ads. He has appeared in many films, and Brides of Sodom is his first leading role. According to producer Arcangeli, “David is a wonderful leading man. He should be a big star for many years to come.”
Noted Matt Chassin, CEO of Matt’s Marketing, “Empire Films is shooting ‘Brides of Sodom’ with the latest technology. The high performance Red cameras deliver unmatched image quality with no recording system limitations and the convenience of pure digital. This is one of the reasons that such a high quality film can be shot in such a short time frame.”
For more information about “Brides of Sodom” and Empire Films, contact Matt’s Marketing at: info@mattsmarketing.com
To see the EOE interview with executive producer and star Domi Arcangeli, please go to:
To see the EOE interviews with director Creep Creepersin and David Taylor, please visit:
About Eye on Entertainment
"Eye on Entertainment", a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is aired twice weekly on Time Warner Cable in Southern California. The EOE team covers entertainment and music events, film festivals, red carpets and award shows, and features interviews with successful people in all walks of life, exploring the traits they have in common. Dawna Lee Heising, the EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG & AFTRA, has an MBA and PhD in business and is Ms. Universe 2009. The EOE team includes John Cox, Steve Van Wormer, Paul Heising and photographer David J. McNeil, a former executive with United Artists and one of the developers of Pay-per-View. Joining EOE Worldwide are 2009 Record Producer of the Year Dino Maddalone and Keith Harris from Canada. The EOE original score was composed by Jmusiz Musiz. For more information, please visit http://www.eyeonentertainment.tv/, http://www.dawnaleeheising.tv/, www.youtube.com/eyeonentertainment and www.youtube.com/EOEWorldwide
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