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Eye on Entertainment on Time Warner Cable Covers the Red Carpet at the 2010 Newport Beach Film Festival

Moving Pictures Will Present Awards to Filmmakers at the Eleventh Annual Newport Beach Film Festival, Running from April 22-29, 2010 in Orange County, California

Newport Beach 4/30/2010 11:43:55 AM

Dawna Lee Heising and John Cox of “Eye on Entertainment” covered the red carpet at the 2010 Newport Beach Film Festival (NBFF).  Set in beautiful Newport Beach, a few blocks away from spectacular coastline and less than an hour from Hollywood, the NBFF will host several premieres, galas and yacht parties for a singular festival experience.   Founded in 1999, the eleventh annual NBFF runs April 22-29, 2010 and will spotlight over 400 films from around the world.   The NBFF  offers filmgoers a rare opportunity to meet the filmmakers. Directors, screenwriters and cinematographers eager to share their work will provide an exclusive inside look at the industry during post-screening Q&A's.


The 2010 NBFF kicked off its eleventh anniversary with the World Premiere of FIVE STAR DAY on Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 7:30pm at Edwards Big Newport (300 Newport Center Drive).   FIVE STAR DAY starring Cam Gigandet, Jenna Malone and Will Yun Lee  marks the feature directorial debut for Orange County native Danny Buday and was produced by Mike Robertson.  Following the red carpet screening of FIVE STAR DAY, the Festival, in partnership with Esquire magazine, hosted an Opening Night Gala at the Bloomingdale's Courtyard in Fashion Island (401 Newport Center Drive), featuring culinary creations from 25 Newport Beach area restaurants, a fashion show presented by Fashion Island and a special performance of Mystère by Cirque du Soleil.  Also appearing on the opening night red carpet were Ray Cavaleri, producer of Charlie Valentine, Valerie Dillman of Charlie Valentine, Ashley Hewitt, Thomas Calabro,  Lexi DiStefano, Juliette Hing and Shawn-Caulin Young, all appearing in Elle, and many other stars.


Since its inception, the Festival has presented many acclaimed films such as the U.S. Premiere of Crash and other notable films including Waitress, Son of Rambow, Paprika, Broken English, The King of Kong, Layer Cake, The Illusionist, Art School Confidential, Emmanuel's Gift, Mad Hot Ballroom, Dogtown and Z Boys, Castle in the Sky, Born into Brothels, Pieces of April, Sexy Beast, as well as anniversary screenings of classics such as The French Connection, Sunset Boulevard, The Outsiders and Endless Summer. Through tributes, special screenings and seminars, the Festival has honored film industry notables, including Haskell Wexler, Robert Wise, Henry Bumstead, Elmer Bernstein, John Waters, Alan Arkin, Bruce Brown, Greg MacGillivray and McG.


This year, Moving Pictures Film & Television (MPFTV or Moving Pictures) and the Newport Beach Film Festival (NBFF) announced the launch of the 2010 Moving Picture Film and Television Awards – Movies that Matter, which were created to celebrate excellence in contemporary filmmaking and honor groundbreaking cinematic works that strive to make an impact in society. As an established media partner of the NBFF through Moving Pictures magazine and Official Sponsor of the 2010 MPFTV Awards at the 2010 Newport Beach Film Festival, Moving Pictures joins the Festival in its quest to discover fresh, compelling cinema from around the globe and support the advancement of emerging filmmakers.


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For more information, visit: or contact Saba Shirazi at:


About the Newport Beach Film Festival

Celebrated as one of the leading film festivals in the United States, the Newport Beach Film Festival has evolved into a prestigious multicultural event, attracting over 51,000 attendees to Southern California.  Committed to enlightening the public with a first-class international film program, a forum for cultural understanding and enriching educational opportunities, the Festival focuses on showcasing a fresh and diverse collection of studio and independent films from around the globe. Located along the pristine Orange County coastline, the Newport Beach Film Festival offers attendees an optimal setting to experience filmmaking at its best. With its action packed slate of film screenings, red carpet galas, international spotlights, nightly receptions, compelling conversations with filmmakers, fashion shows, music performances and industry seminars, the Newport Beach Film Festival has quickly gained recognition among filmmakers and audiences worldwide.


About Eye on Entertainment
"Eye on Entertainment", a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is aired twice weekly on Time Warner Cable in Southern California. The EOE team covers entertainment and music events, film festivals, red carpets and award shows, and features interviews with successful people in all walks of life, exploring the traits they have in common. Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG & AFTRA, has an MBA and PhD in business and is Ms. Universe 2010. The EOE team includes Linda Maxwell of Time Warner Cable, producer/photographer David J. McNeil, a former executive with United Artists and one of the developers of Pay-per-View, director/editor John Cox, Steve Van Wormer and Paul Heising.  For more information, please visit,, and


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