Dawna Lee Heising and John Cox of Eye on Entertainment on Time Warner Cable attended the official "Grand Opening" of Brandy Melville's Santa Monica location “From Italy with Love” on Tuesday, May 11, 2010. The new store is located on the 3rd Street Promenade. Matt Chassin, vice president of Empire Films, Mischa Perez, co-fexecutive producer of Viper Productions, Said Faraj and Ivanna Cadaver helped Shawn K. Clements and Richard Myles celebrate the release of their two hot new albums: “Ambient Nights Vol 2” and “A Journey Home”. Clement, of Clemistry Music, discussed his latest theatrical movie score for "Quantum Quest", which starred Samuel Jackson, Amanda Peete, William Shatner and James Earl Jones. Said Faraj, who co-starred with "Matt Damon" in the feature film 'Green Zone", and Ivanna Cadaver (http://www.ivonnacadaver.org) were also on hand to support the release of the two new albums.
Richard Myles was born in Niagara Falls, New York, and currently resides in West Henrietta, New York. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree, Social Work, from State University College at Buffalo, New York in 1996 and, in 2001, earned a Master of Science degree, School Counseling Education, from Niagara University with a G.P.A. of. 3.94 Kappa Delta Pi honors.
Myles landed his first pivotal role in Blinky Productions' fan film “The Nightmare Ends on Halloween” in which he starred as the infamous Freddy Krueger. The fan film, as of January 2010, has generated over 2 million downloads via the Internet. http://www.facebook.com/l/26d07;halloweenmovies.com premiered the fan film on their official site October 1, 2004, and played the movie for the entire month of October 2004. The movie caused such an impact in the horror community that actor, Robert Englund (the original Freddy Krueger in the Nightmare On Elm Street series) sent Myles an autographed Halloween card and an email as congratulatory gestures for Richard's incredible performance.
Myles' career expanded when he assumed the role as "Jason Voorhees" in Blinky Productions' second fan film “Friday the 31st. This fan film has accrued over a million downloads from fans worldwide via the internet. Mr. Myles has unleashed his evil wrath in his first original motion picture with his partner Mischa Perez in Mental Scars. Richard takes on the identity of the maniacal David Taggart. The independent film has generated a media blitz with Realtvfilms on the Red Carpet in Los Angeles, Wham 13 News in Rochester, NY, WRAL in Raleigh, NC, and accolades from horror legend Michael Berryman. Mental Scars has been described by many as a TRUE reflection of the old 80’s slasher horror films with a modern flair.
Myles is also a gifted music composer who scored most of Mental Scars. To date, he has released four albums: Darkness Within - Vol 1, Ambient Nights - Vol 1, Ambient Nights - Vol 2 and A Journey Home.
Ambient Nights 1 features Richard Mylesand Regginald Watson. The music has a strong ambient, jazz, dance, new age, and R&B flavor into one incredible album. Ambient Nights Vol 2 features Myles and Shawn K. Clement of Clemistry Music. Clements is one of the nation's top music composers who has scored such great films as Quantum Quest starring Samuel Jackson, William Shatner, Amanda Pete, James Earl Jones, and many more. A Journey Home features Richard Myles and and his tribute to his home town of Niagara Falls, NY. Darkness Within Vol 1 features Richard Myles and Michael Damon. The music has a strong dark horror ambient foundation. These albums are all available on iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Napster, Emusic, and Multi-Media. Check out the links on www.mentalscars.com
Myles enjoys spending quality time with his daughter, acting, working out, running, reading, traveling, hunting, and writing. He loves to talk to his fans on facebook and answers fan e-mail as often as possible. He has stated many times "I would be nothing without my fans." Join his fan page. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home. Myles is the co-executive producer/screenwriter/actor/music composer of the film “Mental Scars” from Viper Productions, LLC. Mischa Perez is the co-executive producer of Viper Productions. Thank you to Richard and Mischa for using my picture in their video for White Nights from A Journey Home!
To see the EOE interview with Richard Myles, please go to:
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