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Dawna Lee Heising of EOE on Time Warner Cable Interviews Award-winning Music Composer Shawn Clement

Shawn Clement and Richard Myles Celebrated the Release of their Two New Albums - Ambient Nights Vol 2 and A Journey Home

May 16, 2010 5/17/2010 3:19:26 AM

Dawna Lee Heising and John Cox of Eye on Entertainment on Time Warner Cable attended the official "Grand Opening" of Brandy Melville's Santa Monica location “From Italy with Love” on Tuesday, May 11, 2010.  The new store is located on the 3rd Street Promenade.  Matt Chassin, vice president of Empire Films, Mischa Perez, co-executive producer of Viper Productions, Said Faraj and Ivanna Cadaver helped Shawn K. Clement and Richard Myles celebrate the release of their hot new albums:  “Ambient Nights Vol 2” and “A Journey Home”.   Clement, of Clemistry Music, discussed his latest theatrical movie score for "Quantum Quest", which starred Samuel Jackson, Amanda Peet, William Shatner and James Earl Jones. 


Composer Shawn Clement is the president of Clemistry Music in Los Angeles, California.  From television to film to videogames, Shawn Clement has established himself as a multi-faceted composer in a wide variety of genres and styles.  Clement grew up in Massachusetts, studied at Berklee College of Music, and moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of composing for film and television - writing music to pictures.


Clement’s quickly built a resume of over 200 credits.  In that time, Clement created the musical foundation for the world of reality TV before the phenomena saturated the air waves and worked on some of reality TV’s original series, such as World’s Wildest Police Videos, to American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance.   In recognition of his definitive style and accomplishments, ASCAP presented Clement with a Film and Television Music Award for Most Performed Underscore. Clement’s most notable TV series, the acclaimed Buffy, the Vampire Slayer, proved that his talents extend beyond the genre of reality TV. Clement translated his musical palette into the world of videogames, again ahead of the curve. His music has set the gaming tone for hit titles including Sony’s Open Season, Electronic Arts’ The Sims 2 and Batman: Vengeance for Warner Bros.


Clement segued into film with We Married Margo (winner of the Audience Favorite Award at the HBO/U.S. Comedy & Arts Festival) and Last Chance (winner of Best Original Drama at World Fest).  Clement has returned to his roots in sci-fi, one of his favorite genres, for his recent film project Quantum Quest, whose all-star cast includes sci-fi film icons Chris Pine, Samuel L. Jackson, Hayden Christensen, Amanda Peet, Robert Picardo, Brent Spiner, James Earl Jones, William Shatner, Mark Hamill and Astronaut Neil Armstrong. He recorded his original score for Quantum Quest at George Lucas’ legendary Skywalker Ranch in April with an 82-piece orchestra. The score was nominated for "Best Original Score" at the 2009 Hollywood Music in Media Awards. In Movie Score Magazine’s “Top 10 Most Anticipated Film Scores of 2010”, Clement’s Quantum Quest score earned the prestigious recognition of “keeping an eye (and ear) on.”


2010 is off to an exhilarating start for Clement with the first feature film of a three-picture deal set to begin in January; the releases of feature films, Play On, Finale, H1N1: Virus X and Brides of Sodom.  Clement has also signed on to score the upcoming feature film currently in-development, Sinbad:  The Fifth Voyage, as well as the comedy western Johnson & Johnson, on which he is also an executive producer.  In addition, Clement is an executive producer of Masters of Sound, a music-themed television series currently in pre-production.


To see the EOE interview with Shawn Clement, please go to:


About Eye on Entertainment

"Eye on Entertainment", a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is aired twice weekly on Time Warner Cable in Southern California. The EOE team covers entertainment and music events, film festivals, red carpets and award shows, and features interviews with successful people in all walks of life, exploring the traits they have in common. Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG & AFTRA, has an MBA and PhD in business and is Ms. Universe 2010. The EOE team includes Linda Maxwell of Time Warner Cable, producer and photographer David J. McNeil, former executive with United Artists and one of the developers of Pay-per-View, director and editor John Cox, editor Gordon Michael, editor Larry Cota, director  Steve Van Wormer, music director Dino Maddalone, business director Paul Heising and EOE photographer Kevin Le.   For more information, please visit, and



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