Dawna Lee Heising of Eye on Entertainment on Time Warner Cable interviewed the dynamic, multi-talented actor, writer, producer and life coach David Stay, who wrote, directed and starred in the award-winning film The Sphere of the Lycanthrope. The Sphere of the Lycanthrope is developing into a cult classic and is the only movie to win two Best Picture awards in two film festivals internationally during 2009. Sphere of the Lycanthrope won the 2009 Action on Film International Film Festival Award for Best Horror Feature of 2009 and Best Horror Film Feature in the 2009 Tulsa Script 2 Screen Film Festival.
Sphere of the Lycanthrope has created a buzz among film fans because the movie is “widely entertaining.” One online review of the film states, “So unimaginable is the fact that it’s beating out films that cost insane money to produce. The real shame would have been if this film was never completed. It gives hope to all filmmakers that talent still can produce amazing results with dedication to the art.” Ford Austin and his East Coast partner Keith Grening are the producers of Sphere of the Lycanthrope. The film was completed in 1992, and took 18 years to get it out. Stay was trying to create a new genre of film, the Thrillomedy. The film is funny, until the teacher, John Hammond, transforms. The Beast does not appear until the last 22 minutes of the film and the film runs 103 minutes, so there is action about every 20 minutes to keep building the audiences anticipation. Stay wanted every punch thrown to be seen and actually damaged his kidneys from one of the stunts in the film.
Stay appeared as Mandarr in the classic 80’s television show Photon, which was shot in Japan. 26 episodes were shot in eight months. The show was created by developer of the Photon game. He has also appeared in films with Barbara Streisand and Bruce Willis. Stay also appeared in Dahmer vs. Gacy as the only man in history to be murdered by both Dahmer and Gacy. The movie was directed by and stars Ford Austin. Stay is currently working on getting backing for the sequel to Sphere of the Lycanthrope. The sequel contains a sphere forbidden to speak.
Stay has produced some of the largest lifestyle events in Southern California, such as: Exotic Erotic Expo & Ball (Perry Mann Productions), Best of LA, Gourmet LA, The Salsa Festival, Garlic Festival, Taste of Ventura, Scottsdale Arts Festival, The Retro Show, Cyber Net Festival, Viva Los Angeles, The Family Expo and Kids Fair and La Exposicion Familia. He also produced one of the largest motorcycle concert events, The Hollywood Bike Jam, in 1996. It featured over 40 bands and 100 exhibitors over this three-day event.
Says Stay, “I am a real life Ghost hunter (there is really nothing scary about that, lighten up). I am definitely a spiritual man and believe in God. I firmly believe there is so much more to us as human beings than just flesh and blood and prove it often.” He continues, “I consider myself somewhat a philosopher as I work hard to always think outside the box which leads to living an extraordinary life.”
Stay attended Columbia University, majoring in Business and Marketing, in New York City, New York, from 1984 to 1986, and is fluent in Japanese. He is a fight choreographer for films and television, and is also a life coach. For more information, please contact Matt Chassin at matt@mattsmarketing.com. Chassin is also the vice president of Empire Films.
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About Eye on Entertainment
"Eye on Entertainment", a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is aired twice weekly on Time Warner Cable in Southern California. The EOE team covers entertainment and music events, film festivals, red carpets and award shows, and features interviews with successful people in all walks of life, exploring the traits they have in common. Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG & AFTRA, has an MBA and PhD and is Ms. Universe 2010. The EOE team includes Linda Maxwell of Time Warner Cable, producer/photographer David J. McNeil, former United Artists executive who was one of the developers of Pay-per-View, director/editor John Cox, director/editor Larry Cota, editor Gordon Michael, music director Dino Maddalone, Canadian reporter Keith Harris, director Steve Van Wormer, business director Paul Heising and photographer Kevin Le. For more information, please visit http://www.eyeonentertainment.tv/, http://www.dawnaleeheising.tv/ and www.youtube.com/eyeonentertainment
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