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Journey UCC Will Hold Two November Fundraisers to Benefit the Engeye Health Clinic in Uganda

Engeye Board Member Misty Richards Will Be Guest Speaker at Journey Church on November 7, 2010

Albany 10/23/2010 5:21:03 AM

Journey Church in Delmar, New York will hold two fund-raisers for the Engeye Health Clinic in Ddegeya Village, Uganda.  The first event will be a pancake breakfast fundraiser on November 7, 2010 at 11:00 AM.  All are invited to attend the fundraiser at Journey Church, UCC 500 Kenwood Avenue, Delmar, New York.

Engeye Board member Misty Richards will be the guest speaker at the pancake breakfast fundraiser to talk about the mission and progress of the Engeye Health Clinic.  Proceeds from the pancake breakfast fundraiser will be used to help Sara Weinman, Journey church member and a co-founder of the Engeye Teen Connection (ETC), with the travel costs and mission project expenses for her February trip to the Engeye Health Clinic.   Where is Sara going? This video tells the story:

The second fundraiser will be held on Friday, November 19, 2010.  Journey Church will offer a fun evening from 5:00 to 8:00 PM for shoppers to “Shop for Good” and get a jump on the holiday shopping season.   Journey church members and Engeye supporters will be selling beautiful one of a kind jewelry, crafts from Uganda and many other items - all to support the Engeye Health Clinic.  Music, wine and light refreshments will be provided.  Please join Journey and Engeye for a fun evening for a great cause.  Items that will be sold include:

·         Sweet P’s Jewelry

·         Crafts & Jewelry from Uganda

·         Surprise GLEE item

·         Heifer International

·         Fair Exchange coffee/chocolate/hot cocoa

·         Pampered Chef

·         Hats for Hope

About Engeye Scholars

The Mission of Engeye Scholars is to support the educational initiative of the Engeye Health Clinic. Specifically, our purpose is to help meet the educational needs of children living in and around Ddegeya Village, Uganda. It is our hope to positively impact the lives of children who may not have the opportunity to seek an adequate education on their own. We will work to do this one village at a time. Please help support this cause and instill hope in the hearts and lives of those less fortunate. You can make a difference and provide an educational opportunity for a child for as little as $20.00 per month. You can follow the efforts of ETC at

About the Engeye Health Clinic

Engeye, a U.S. and Ugandan NGO based in Uganda, was created in 2006 by a dedicated group of medical students to address the disparity in basic health, education and environmental needs of rural Ugandan villagers.  Since its inception, the Engeye team has grown to include lawyers, architects, physicians, public health enthusiasts, engineers and more.  The Engeye Health Clinic provides care for a region in Uganda that is voiceless, despite its substantial need, and that otherwise would not have access to healthcare.  The Engeye Scholars program was born to assist the schools in Ddegeya Village.  Education is highly valued in Uganda and many experts believe education is the key to raising poor countries out of poverty.   Through scholarships, the children of Ddegeya Village have the opportunity to attend boarding school, which delays child bearing, empowers women and provides newfound hope for a child to fulfill his or her dreams. Dr. Stephanie Van Dyke, Dr. Carlos Elguero, Stephen Po-Chedley and Misty Richards comprise the board of directors for the 501(c) (3) tax deductible, nonprofit organization.  For more information, visit: and

About Journey UCC

Journey is a new church start affiliated with the United Church of Christ and located in Delmar.  In addition to offering vibrant worship and education for all ages, the congregation is committed to living out their faith through active service in the local community and around the world.   Journey UCC is the perfect church for people who aren’t!


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