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Dawna Lee Heising of Eye on Entertainment Interviews Recording Artist Mama Kym

Mama Kym Is Releasing Two New Singles - “Stayin’ A Player” and “Heart of Compassion”

Costa Mesa 2/2/2011 1:06:47 AM

Mama Kym appeared on Eye on Entertainment on January 6, 2011 at the Time Warner Cable studio in Costa Mesa, CA to talk about the releases of two new music projects.  Dino Maddalone, 2009 Record Producer of the Year at the Los Angeles Music Awards, is producing a hip-hop/rock version of Mama Kym’s new single, “Stayin' A Player”, featuring Grammy-nominated and award winning artist Skee-lo. 

Professional musician, composer, producer, director, editor and sound editor Gordon Michael, produced and co-wrote Mama Kym's second release "Heart Of Compassion" and is also filming, directing and editing her first music video for that song. Michael and Mama Kym have produced many other songs together as well that will soon follow the first two releases.  Mama Kym writes, arranges and composes her own music, and then incorporates the freestyle instrumentation or vocal tracks of her talented music family. She believes strongly in collaboration and enjoys bringing artists together on projects.
In the last decade, Mama Kym has written and performed with artists around the world, as well as for film and television projects, but she has actually been evolving in music since she was a child. Her father worked as a sound engineer for many of the famous casinos in Vegas, Tahoe and Reno, as well as in the arenas back east, mixing shows for huge stars and legends like Elvis and Bruce Springsteen. To see the EOE interview with Mama Kym, please visit:

It was after the loss of her childhood marriage, in the face of extremely difficult times, including homelessness in the streets of Los Angeles, that Mama Kym was brought into the world of rap and hip hop. Mama Kym turned all her pain into triumph by taking this experience to the underground studios and creating the “True Life Story” album of the character she became – Mama Kym. Her story and project gained instant recognition in the main stream of the industry and by the underground as well. Her work is entertaining, profound, powerful and unique. Mama Kym can be reached at:

About Eye on Entertainment

"Eye on Entertainment", a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is aired twice weekly on Time Warner Cable in Southern California and on Cox, Comcast and Verizon in Washington DC.  The EOE team covers entertainment and music events, film festivals, red carpets and award shows, and features interviews with successful people in all walks of life, exploring the traits they have in common. Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG & AFTRA, has an MBA and PhD and was Ms. World 2008. The EOE team includes Linda Maxwell and Chris Leist of Time Warner Cable, producer John Cox, producer Jerry Moore, director Steve Van Wormer, guest host Stan Goodrich, business director Paul Heising, graphic artist Mark Schrimmer and publicist Matt Chassin (  For more information, please visit:, and

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