The cast of Eric Shapiro’s “Rule of Three” appeared on Eye on Entertainment in March 2011. The movie, a psychological shocker about sexual compulsives and predators, accumulated critical praise during its 2008 festival run, winning awards at Shriekfest and Fantasia. Unlike slasher films where all the fear comes from the outside, in the more subtle psychological horror subgenre, terror tends to come from within. “Rule of Three”, the psychological thriller directed by Eric Shapiro and co-written by Shapiro and lead actress Rhoda Jordan, is a film noir piece that shows what happens when the disturbing menace emerges from deep within, according to
Jon Morrow, an obsessed, grief-stricken father, searches frantically for his missing daughter as “Rule of Three” reveals a riveting chain of events. The film takes place in a sleazy motel room, but weaves forward and back to multiple points in time, making viewers strain to put the puzzle together. What happened to a father's missing daughter? If only he knew about the sexual games his daughter was playing right before she disappeared, much less the dark erotic urges of all the suspects surrounding the crime...
Also according to, the fast-paced, nail-biting thriller from acclaimed author, Eric Shapiro, is a roller-coaster mystery with gut-wrenching tension and stunning surprises. “The number three shows up everywhere in life – in spirituality, in storytelling, in the basic components of existence,” Shapiro says. “Our consciousness naturally goes toward triangles, probably because it takes a man and a woman to make a child, so each person is a participant in a three-member process. So we tried to implement threes on every level-three-act structure, three different narratives, three main characters per story, three points in time, a pair of threesome narratives and the presence of 3:00.” To see the Eye on Entertainment video, please go to:
Eric Shapiro graduated from Boston's Emerson College. Collected novels and short fiction from Eric Shapiro are compiled in a volume titled "Stories for the End of the World," released by Permuted Press in October, 2010. Other short fiction by Eric Shapiro appeared in "Zombies: Encounters with the Hungry Dead" (2009) and "Werewolves and Shape Shifters: Encounters with the Beasts Within" (2010), both edited by John Skipp. A short essay about scary movies written by Shapiro appeared in Harper Collins' "The Book of Lists: Horror" (Bram Stoker Award Nominee for Nonfiction, 2008).Shapiro's short apocalyptic novel “It's Only Temporary” depicts the world before it is destroyed by a meteorite, and was on the Preliminary Nominee ballot for the 2006 Bram Stoker Award in Long Fiction. Shapiro's novella "Days of Allison" addresses technology and human relationships and was released by Crowswing Books in November, 2006. Another short novel by the author, titled "Strawberry Man," depicts apocalyptic happenings and was released by Insidious Publications in 2007.
“Rule of Three” stars Rodney Eastman, Ben Siegler, Rhoda Jordan, Tiffany Shepis, Cerris Morgan-Moyer and Parry Shen, and was directed by Eric Shapiro. The story is by Eric Shapiro and the screenplay is by Rhoda Jordan. Ben Siegler won Best Actor at the 2008 Fantasia Film Festival and Rhoda Jordan was awarded Best Acting Performance at the 2008 Shriekfest Film Festival. Cerris Morgan-Moyer plays Sarah in “Rule of Three”, and is the company director of Lock and Loru Productions. Warner/ADA & Big Screen Entertainment Group ( are distributing the film, which is available through Amazon, Netflix and many other places. For more information, go to: or call Wildlight Entertainment, LLC at 818-345-1885.
About Eye on Entertainment
"Eye on Entertainment", a division of Eye on Excellence™ Productions, is broadcast twice weekly on Time Warner Cable on the West coast and through Cox, Comcast and Verizon on the East coast. The EOE team covers entertainment and music events, film festivals, red carpets and award shows, and features interviews with successful people in all walks of life, exploring the traits they have in common. Dawna Lee Heising, EOE executive producer and host, is a member of SAG & AFTRA, has earned an MBA and PhD and was Ms. World 2008. The EOE team includes Linda Maxwell and Chris Leist of Time Warner Cable, producer/editor John Cox, producer Jerry Moore, director Steve Van Wormer, graphic designer Mark Schrimmer, director Steve Van Wormer, guest host Stan Goodrich, photographers David McNeil and Kevin Le and publicist Matt Chassin ( Please visit, and
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